What fabrics were used in the 1840s?

What fabrics were used in the 1840s?

Cotton, wool, and linen were also worn, usually for standard morning attire and less dressy occasions. Patterned designs were also seen, often florals, stripes, and plaids in understated colors.

What was it like to be a girl working at the Lowell Mills in the 1830s?

In the mills, female workers faced long hours of toil and often grueling working conditions. Yet many female textile workers saved money and gained a measure of economic independence.

Where were textile mills located in the 1800’s?

The textile industry in America began in New England during the late 18th century. By 1820, mills had spread south into Virginia and Kentucky and the first mill town was established in Massachusetts.

What was life like before the factory system?

Before the factory system, most people lived on farms in the countryside. With the formation of large factories, people began to move to the cities. Cities grew larger and sometimes became overcrowded. This movement from a rural society to an urban society created a dramatic shift in the way people lived.

What are the possible positive and negatives effects of the factory system?

As an event, the Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative impacts for society. Although there are several positives to the Industrial Revolution there were also many negative elements, including: poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution.

Who started the factory system?

This industrial spy became the father of the American factory system. Samuel Slater has been called the “father of the American factory system.” He was born in Derbyshire, England on June 9, 1768. The son of a yeoman farmer, Slater went to work at an early age as an apprentice for the owner of a cotton mill.

Where did factory workers come from as new factories were built in Europe?

As new factories were built in Europe, factory workers came from The countryside (Machinery freed people from working in agriculture .) This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What conclusion did reformers draw from the list?

What conclusion did reformers draw from the list? Changes were needed to improve working conditions.

How did changes in the factory system affect workers in the late 1800s?

how did changes in the factory system affect workers in the late 1800’s? because they sought after safer working conditions, higher wages, and shorter hours.

How did the factory system affect workers?

Factories brought workers together within one building to work on machinery that they did not own. They also increased the division of labor, narrowing the number and scope of tasks. The work-discipline was forcefully instilled upon the workforce by the factory owners.

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