What factor has most heavily influenced most of the political boundaries of Eastern Europe?

What factor has most heavily influenced most of the political boundaries of Eastern Europe?

Nationalism had an especially great influence on Central and Eastern Europe, where the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and (after its formation late in the century) German Empires included within them great numbers of diverse nationalities, most of whom received scant political representation in government and too …

What were four of the main reforms that occurred in Eastern Europe?

What were four of the main reforms that occurred in Eastern Europe with the collapse of the Soviet Union? The government changed from communism to a democracy, from central planning to open markets, from government control to private citizen, and from the Soviet Union to the European Union.

Why is it difficult to define boundaries between eastern and western Europe in what ways did Poland Hungary and the Czech lands defy these labels?

In what ways did Poland, Hungary, and the Czech lands defy these labels? There were many states on the border and many territorial disputes. Poland, Hungary, and Czech were different because they had a fairly even split of characteristics that mirrored both eastern and Western Europe.

How did Europe borders change after ww2?

After the end of World War II Europe was divided between communist and non-communist controlled territory. Germany and its former capital Berlin was divided into French, American, British and Soviet sectors. Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania became republics within the Soviet Union.

Can borders change?

Borders change over time. Sometimes the people in one region take over another area through violence. Other times, land is traded or sold peacefully. Sometimes, borders fall along natural boundaries like rivers or mountain ranges.

Did Poland lose territory after WWII?

The population transfer of both Polish and Germans 1945–46 included many millions of people. But from 1947, Poland’s territory was reduced to 312,679 square kilometres (120,726 square miles), so the country lost 73,739 square kilometres (28,471 square miles) of land.

Why did Poland lose territory after WWII?

One consequence of German defeat was the expansion of Soviet power and influence in eastern Europe. The Soviet victory led to a tremendous geographic shift in Polish territory and, ultimately, to the establishment of a communist dictatorship in Poland.

Who controlled Poland after WWII?

Poland became a de facto one-party state and a satellite state of the Soviet Union.

When did Russia give up Poland?


Did Russia invade Poland with Germany?

On 17 September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, sixteen days after Germany invaded Poland from the west….Soviet invasion of Poland.

Date 17 September – 6 October 1939
Location Poland
Result Soviet victory
Territorial changes Territory of Eastern Poland (Kresy) annexed by the Soviet Union

Why did Russia invade Poland with Germany?

exercises the “fine print” of the Hitler-Stalin Non-aggression pact—the invasion and occupation of eastern Poland. The “reason” given was that Russia had to come to the aid of its “blood brothers,” the Ukrainians and Byelorussians, who were trapped in territory that had been illegally annexed by Poland.

When did Poland disappear?

After suppressing a Polish revolt in 1794, the three powers conducted the Third Partition in 1795. Poland vanished from the map of Europe until 1918; Napoleon created a Grand Duchy of Warsaw from Prussian Poland in 1807, but it did not survive his defeat. A Polish Republic was proclaimed on November 3, 1918.

What is the most common Polish last name?

The most widespread Polish surnames are Nowak, Kowalski, Wiśniewski and Wójcik.

What does WICZ mean in Polish?

“-witz” in this case is not the German word for wit/joke, but is a German variation on a Slavic suffix “-vich,” “-vic,” “-wits,” “-witz,” or “-wicz” (-wicz being a Polish variation) meaning “son of,” “child of,” “family of,” “clan of,” etc.

Is Kowalski a Polish name?

Kowalski (Polish pronunciation: [kɔˈvalskʲi]; feminine: Kowalska, plural: Kowalscy) is the second most common surname in Poland (140,471 people in 2009). Kowalski surname is derived from the word Kowal, meaning “[black]smith”.

Is Robert a Polish name?

The name Robert is an ancient Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *Hrōþi- “fame” and *berhta- “bright” (Hrōþiberhtaz). It can be used as a French, Polish, Irish, Finnish, Romanian, and Estonian name as well.

Is Robert a surname?

Robert is an ancient Germanic French surname. It is derived from the Proto-Germanic elements *Hrōþi- (“fame, glory, honour”) and *berhta- (“bright, shining”).

Where did the surname Roberts originate?

Roberts is a Welsh surname of patronymic origin, deriving from the given name Robert, meaning “bright renown” – from the Germanic elements “hrod” meaning renown and “beraht” meaning bright. The surname, meaning “son of Robert”, is common in North Wales.

What is the Polish name for Stanley?


What do you call a person born in Poland?

The Poles (Polish: Polacy, pronounced [pɔˈlat͡sɨ]; singular masculine: Polak, singular feminine: Polka), also referred to as the Polish people, are a West Slavic ethnic group and a nation that shares a common history, culture, the Polish language and is identified with the country of Poland in Central Europe.

What nationality is the name Stanley?

Stanley (name)

Language(s) Old English
Meaning “stone leigh”
Region of origin The Heptarchy (Anglo-Saxon England)
Other names

What name is Stas short for?

Stas (Russian: Стас, Ukrainian: Стас; Polish: Staś, Slovene: Staš) is a reduced form, among many, of the Slavic language given name Stanislav known under several spellings (Ukrainian: Станіслав; Russian: Станислав; Polish: Stanisław; Czech: Stanislav, etc.).

What does the name Blanche mean?

Related names. Bianca, Blanca, Branca, Blandine. Blanche is a feminine given name. It means “white” in French, derived from the Late Latin word “blancus”.

What does the name Stella mean?

star (in Latin) or short for Styliani (in Greek) Other names. Related names. Stelios, Stylianos, Estelle, Estella. Stella is a female given name of Latin and Italian origin, meaning “star”.

Is there a flower called Karen?

Azalea x ‘Karen’ (Gable Hybrid) An unusually hardy and highly reliable evergreen shrub with rich lavender-purple hose-in-hose flowers on a vigorous, upright plant. An ideal spring blooming foundation shrub for beds and borders.

What is the most popular name in the world?

Top Names Over the Last 100 Years

Males Females
Rank Name Number
1 James 3,196,385
2 Robert 1,558,407
3 John 1,468,377

How popular is the name Karen in 2019?


Karen (feminine)
Year Rank Percent Used
2020 #828 0.019
2019 #660 0.024
2018 #635 0.025

What factor has most heavily influenced most of the political boundaries of Eastern Europe?

What factor has most heavily influenced most of the political boundaries of Eastern Europe?

Nationalism had an especially great influence on Central and Eastern Europe, where the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and (after its formation late in the century) German Empires included within them great numbers of diverse nationalities, most of whom received scant political representation in government and too …

What were four of the main reforms that occurred in Eastern Europe?

What were four of the main reforms that occurred in Eastern Europe with the collapse of the Soviet Union? The government changed from communism to a democracy, from central planning to open markets, from government control to private citizen, and from the Soviet Union to the European Union.

Why is Eastern Europe less developed?

Originally Answered: Why was eastern europe less developed than western europe in the centuries before WWI? Yes, there were renaissance and enlightenment, but philosophy generally travels faster than technology. There was insufficient scientifical progress, which made the Eastern Europe forever catching-up.

Is Poland richer than Spain?

make 29.7% more money. Poland has a GDP per capita of $29,600 as of 2017, while in Spain, the GDP per capita is $38,400 as of 2017.

Is Poland a violent country?

In 2011, Poland had a murder rate of 1.2 per 100,000 population. There were a total of 449 murders in Poland in 2011. In 2014 Poland had a murder rate of 0.7 per 100,000. In 2018, the homicide rate in Poland was 0.7 per 100,000 down from a high of 2.4 per 100,000 in 1993 and 1994.

Why is Poland so rich?

The largest component of its economy is the service sector (62.3. %), followed by industry (34.2%) and agriculture (3.5%). With the economic reform of 1989 the Polish external debt increased from $42.2 billion in 1989 to $365.2 billion in 2014.

Is Poland richer than Russia?

The difference in wealth between Poland and Russia is not very significant. In terms of GDP per capita PPP, Russia is just $700/year behind Poland, ranking 73rd in the world as opposed to Poland’s 69th place. Russia is a far larger country both by land mass and population, and the income is spread very unevenly.

What cars are made in Poland?

Poland is most of all a producer of passenger cars. For instance, the Opel Astra III and IV, the Fiat Panda and the Fiat 500, the Lancia Ypsilon, the Ford Ka, and the Chevrolet Aveo are produced in Poland.

Is Poland richer than UK?

Poland has a GDP per capita of $29,600 as of 2017, while in United Kingdom, the GDP per capita is $44,300 as of 2017.

Is Poland colder than England?

The climate of Poland is temperate, which means it’s a transition between oceanic and continental. That’s why the UK is warmer than Poland. Also this is the reason why north-east part of Poland (Podlaskie Voivodship) is the coldest region of the country.

Is Poland bigger than Britain?

Poland is about 1.3 times bigger than United Kingdom. United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Poland is approximately 312,685 sq km, making Poland 28% larger than United Kingdom.

Why do Polish come to Britain?

Post-war dispersal and settlement. In the 1951 UK Census, some 162,339 residents had listed Poland as their birthplace, up from 44,642 in 1931. Polish arrivals to the UK included survivors of German concentration and POW camps and war wounded needing additional help adapting to civilian life.

What’s the largest ethnic group in Eastern Europe?


Is Russia considered Eastern Europe?

Russia, located in Eastern Europe, is both the largest and most populous country of Europe, spanning roughly 40% of the continent’s total landmass, with over 15% of its total population.

Is Eastern Europe considered Western?

To Europeans, the Western world used to be a literal geographical term, separating Europe from the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, North Africa, and the Far East. This is no longer used as a primary definition since Australia and New Zealand geographically in the East but are Western countries.

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