What factors affect how high balls bounce?

What factors affect how high balls bounce?

The combination of the material properties of a ball (surface textures, actual materials, amount of air, hardness/ softness, and so on) affects the height of its bounce.

What makes bouncy balls bounce?

Store-bought bouncy balls are made of rubber, another material that is made up of polymers. When the bouncy ball is stretched, these polymer chains uncoil and straighten. When released, the chains coil back up again. This makes the material stretchy and bouncy.

Why is rubber so bouncy?

When all three balls are dropped from the same height, the rubber ball will bounce the highest because it has the greatest elasticity. When the rubber ball hits the ground it gets compressed, or squished, and because it is very elastic, it quickly returns to its original shape.

How do you make homemade bouncy balls?

Optional: Disposable rubber gloves.

  1. In a cup mix the warm water and the borax.
  2. In another cup mix the glue, cornstarch, and food coloring.
  3. Pour the glue mixture into the water-borax cup.
  4. The glue mixture will harden after 10 seconds; use a fork to take it out of the water.
  5. Roll the mixture in your hands to make a ball.

What can you use instead of borax to make a bouncy ball?

Most bouncy balls are made with Borax, but it is dangerous to ingest and can irritate your skin. To make a bouncy ball without using Borax, you can use baking soda, glue, water, and food coloring or cornstarch, water, and food coloring.

How do you make eggs clear and bouncy?


  1. Get a raw egg and carefully place it into a glass or jar.
  2. Fill the glass with white vinegar until the egg is completely submerged.
  3. Leave the egg in the glass for 1-3 days.
  4. Remove the egg from the glass and rinse it under some tap water.
  5. Examine the egg.

How long do you keep an egg in vinegar to make it bounce?

Pour vinegar in until the eggs are completely submerged. At this point you will notice the egg is covered in little bubbles. Leave for 72 hours. Gently lift one of the (now rather delicate) eggs and gently rub away the shell.

How much vinegar do you need to make a bouncy egg?

Just add around 10 drops of the dye to the vinegar, or enough to color the whole container of vinegar. Submerge the egg. Place the hard boiled egg in the vinegar-filled container. Just drop it in from right above the vinegar so the vinegar doesn’t splash everywhere.

What makes an egg bouncy?

If you soak an egg in vinegar the eggshell will absorb the acid and break down, or dissolve. The calcium carbonate will become carbon dioxide gas, which will go into the air. What is left is the soft tissue that lined the inside of the eggshell. It will bounce!

Can you use apple cider vinegar to make a bouncy egg?

Cover it with vinegar. We used apple cider vinegar the first time, and regular white vinegar the second time. Both worked fine. You can change out the vinegar too, if it gets too yucky.

What happens when you put an egg in syrup?

When you put a naked egg in corn syrup, you are creating a situation where the egg membrane separates two solutions with different concentrations of water. The egg white is about 90% water; corn syrup is about 25% water. So water migrates from inside the egg to outside the egg, leaving the egg limp and flabby.

Can water pass through eggshell?

Eggshell is made almost entirely of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals. It is a semipermeable membrane, which means that air and moisture can pass through its pores.

What substance must pass through an eggshell membrane?

Water, oxygen and nutrients must pass through the plasma membrane into our cells and waste must exit.

Is an egg really a single cell?

The eggs of most animals are giant single cells, containing stockpiles of all the materials needed for initial development of the embryo through to the stage at which the new individual can begin feeding. Before the feeding stage, the giant cell cleaves into many smaller cells, but no net growth occurs.

Is the yolk the baby?

The yolk is the source of food for the embryo and contains all the fat in the egg. The small white spot on the yolk is called the germinal disc. The germinal disc is where the female’s genetic material is found. When an egg is fertilized the germinal disc divides and develops into an embryo.

What is the largest cell in the world?

The largest cell is an ostrich egg, it is about 15cm to 18 cm long and wide.

What is the largest cell in the human body?


What is the largest cell in the female body?

The ovum is one of the largest cells in the human body, typically visible to the naked eye without the aid of a microscope or other magnification device. The human ovum measures approximately 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) in diameter.

What is the smallest cell in the human body?


What is the smallest cell in the world?


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