What factors are involved in the Judgement of art?

What factors are involved in the Judgement of art?

Factors Involved in the Judgment of Art Artistic judgments may be linked to emotions or, like emotions, partially embodied in our physical reactions. Seeing a sublime view of a landscape may give us a reaction of awe, which might manifest physically as increased heart rate or widened eyes.

Why is nature important in art?

Artists literally use nature to create their works. The way the cave dwellers created paint to document and draw on their walls is in essence the same exact process that we use today. Without these elements of nature we wouldn’t have to tools to even think about making artwork.

Is art an experience?

In “Art as Experience,” John Dewey explains that art is a dynamic human experience that involves both the artist and the audience. When the audience encounters art, they are connecting with the artist’s experiences and transforming the meaning of the art with their own.

Why is art universal or cultural?

Art is a reflection of people and their social context. It also unifies differences and brings awareness. Countries around the world create cultural exchange programs through art to develop mutual understanding between different cultures, countries, and people. Separation in art is equal to separation in society.

Why is art timeless and universal?

Art varies from generation to generation which makes it advance and relatable to everyone. It does not matter at what time Art emerges or when it has been discovered as long as it can still be seen or touched today, then it did not even age Art is timeless because Art originates from the people.

How is art a universal language?

In creating art, consciously or not, artists are attempting to communicate at a powerful emotional level to those within their own culture. The best work transcends its cultural matrix and speaks directly to our common humanity.

What are the three assumptions of art?

Three assumptions on art are its universality, its not being nature, and its need for experience. Without experience, there is no art. The artist has to be foremost, a perceiver who is directly in touch with art.

How important are elements and principles in art?

First and most importantly, a person cannot create art without utilizing at least a few of them. Secondly, knowing what the elements of art are, it enables us to describe what an artist has done, analyse what is going on in a particular piece and communicate our thoughts and findings using a common language.

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