What fish can be kept with eels?
Tankmates. Compatible tankmates for the snowflake moray eel include other relatively large, aggressive fish, such as lionfish, tangs, triggerfish, wrasses, and possibly even other snowflake moray eels if they are both introduced to the tank at the same time.
Can snowflake eel get ich?
Nope, i have never heard of one with Ick. Just remember if your getting a small one. Feed it once every two weeks. They get big fast if you feed them every week.
Can moray eels get ich?
Morays have a slime coat and different blood chemistry than fish that make them toxic to ich and generally unsuitable hosts for the parasite unless they are severely diseased or weak and dying from other issues.
Can eels be treated with copper?
No copper for eels. It might not kill them right off-but is has happened.
Can Eels get velvet?
I have seen many eels survive Ick and velvet with no effect. I even transferred an eel during the active period of velvet, unknowingly, with no transfer to the new tank.
Does Hyposalinity kill velvet?
Tank transfer and hyposalinity do not work with velvet. A freshwater dip and/or chemical bath (discussed in more detail below) is recommended either before or during treatment, due to the severity of this disease; however these would only provide temporary relief and will not eradicate velvet.
Can Sharks get marine velvet?
To be honest with you, your sharks will probably be fine without treatment. However, they can still be “carriers” of ich, velvet, etc. and provide a reservoir for future outbreaks from other fish.
How fast does velvet kill fish?
The range of time can be anywhere from a few days all the way up to months of survival without treatment. Velvet cycles very fast, so the presence of free swimmers increases every 48 hours.
Can velvet affect corals?
No velvet doesn’t kill coral. You’ll want to do a 75 day period where you add nothing to the tank.
What causes marine velvet?
Velvet disease (also called gold-dust, rust and coral disease) is a fish disease caused by dinoflagellate parasites of the genus Piscinoodinium, specifically Amyloodinium in marine fish, and Oodinium in freshwater fish. The disease gives infected organisms a dusty, brownish-gold color.
How long does marine velvet stay in your system?
1 Typically these cells can survive seven to eight days without a host, but in lower tank temperatures at around 75-80 degrees, some strains may last up to 30+ days.
How long can fish live with marine velvet?
The life cycle of velvet varies according to strain. The trophonts, which feed and do all the damage, can remain on a fish for as little as 12 hours or as long as 4 days.
Can you treat marine velvet?
Treatment for this disease is almost exclusively with copper. There has been some success reported with the use of the antimalarial drug, chloroquine diphosphate, but the drug is expensive, difficult to obtain and, therefore, not a common treatment option.