What frequency is 75 meters?
All Frequencies in MHz | |
160 Meters: | 1.885, 1.900, 1.945, 1.985 |
75 Meters: | 3.825, 3.870 (West Coast), 3.880, 3.885 |
40 Meters: | 7.290, 7.295 |
20 Meters: | 14.286 |
Is 80 meters upper or lower sideband?
Lower sideband (LSB)–The common single-sideband operating mode on the 40, 80 and 160-meter amateur bands. Upper sideband (USB)–The common single-sideband operating mode on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10-meter HF amateur bands, and all the VHF and UHF bands.
What is the 10 meter calling frequency?
28.400 MHz
Is 6 meter AM or FM?
6 Meter calling frequencies: SSB – 50.125 MHz. FM – 52.525 Mhz. FT8: 50.313 Mhz. Note: between 50.100 and 50.125 MHZ is the 6 meter “DX Window,” an area that is reserved for DX QSOs.
How far can you talk on 6 meter?
Member. I think 6 meters is about the same as 2 meters or even 432 given equivalent stations. For example, 100 watts and 13 elements on both ends will get you ~ 50 to 75 miles on a stone deaf 2 meter band (SSB). 100 watts and 5 el on both ends will do the same on 6 (no tropo enhancement of any sort).
How far can you talk on 2 meters?
On VHF frequencies such as 2-meters, antenna height greatly influences how far one can talk. Typical reliable repeater range is about 25 miles (40 km). Some repeaters in unusually high locations, such as skyscrapers or mountain tops, can be usable as far out as 75 miles (121 km).
What mode is 6m?
Sporadic-E is the most common workhorse for six-meter operators. Peaking around the solstices (June and December), this mode of propagation can provide contacts over a few hundred miles or a couple of thousand miles or more with a “double-hop.” It comes back every season, even during the sunspot minimum.
Who uses 1.25 meter band?
In recent years, Kenwood and Yaesu have both included the 1.25-meter band in some of their multiband handheld transceivers. The Kenwood TH-F6A and TH-D74A; the Yaesu VX-6R, VX-7R and VX-8R (USA and Canada version) include coverage of the 1.25-meter band in addition to the more popular 2-meter and 70-centimeter bands.
What band is 1.8 MHz?
160-meter band refers to the band of radio frequencies between 1.8 and 2 MHz, just above the medium wave broadcast band.
What frequency is Citizens Band?
26.965 MHz