What game did Jane and Holden used to play together?
What did Holden and Jane play in the summer mornings?
What sports did Holden and Jane used to play in the morning and afternoons? Tennis in the morning, and golf in the afternoon. Describe how Jane and Holden first met. Jane’s Doberman Pinscher used to go to the bathroom on his lawn.
How did Holden comfort Jane cried during the checkers game?
How did Holden comfort Jane when she was crying? He kissed her all over the face, but not on her mouth because Jane wouldn’t let him.
What was made that Jane Gallagher cry when she and Holden were playing checkers?
What was it that made Jane Gallagher cry when she and Holden were playing checkers? It had to do with her mother’s husband. But Holden says that he never did find out what was the matter.
Why did Holden Kiss Jane?
Jane was upset because her stepfather was abusing her. Holden’s reaction was to sit next to her and put his arm around her. But instead of just comforting her, he begins to kiss her all over her face. He confuses lust with sympathy.
Why did Holden never call Jane?
Salinger shows that Jane is more important as a fantasy figure because Holden’s desire to see her in the present is vastly outweighed by his desire to continue to believe that she is as innocent as she was during their childhood, an thus he decides against calling Jane.
Why is Holden obsessed with innocence?
In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden is obsessed in preserving his innocence. Due to his obsession of preserving his innocence, he wishes to be “the catcher in the rye” to protect the children from falling off the cliff. He finds the adult world corrupted and poisonous.
Why did Holden have to leave Ernie’s?
Why does Holden leave Ernie’s? Holden leaves Ernie’s because Lillian is becoming annoying. He would rather leave then spend more time talking to her. Holden becomes unimpressed with him and leaves.
Why is Holden not at the football game?
Holden is not attending the football game for two reasons, both of which reveal a good deal about his character. First, Holden is careless and sometimes irresponsible. As manager of the fencing team, he left the equipment on the subway en route to a meet that morning with McBurney School in New York City.
What advice did Mr Antolini give Holden?
What advice did Mr. Antolini give Holden? “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”
Is Holden a pacifist or just yellow?
What do Holden and Stradlater fight over? Holden says that he is a “pacifist”. What is that, and is he? Pacifist: a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable.
Why was Holden crying when he left?
Why do you think Holden was crying as he left Pencey Prep? He probably felt bad for getting kicked out of his schools over and over again, and he didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone. Holden also says that he is leaving Pencey because of a brain tumor surgery.
Who is Mr Spencer?
Mr. Spencer is Holden’s history teacher at Pencey. He’s the first adult Holden talks to in the book, and Holden seems to hold both him in high regard. When Holden visits Mr.
What made Holden cry in Chapter 14?
Standing his ground, Holden refuses to pay Maurice more money, so Maurice pins him while Sunny takes his wallet. At this point, Holden begins to cry and accuses Sunny and Maurice of stealing from him, so Maurice pushes him. Furious, Holden calls him a “dirty moron,” prompting Maurice to punch him in the stomach.
Why is Holden so honest with Phoebe?
Holden feels most comfortable talking to his younger sister, Phoebe, because he feels like she is the only person who genuinely understands him and sincerely cares about his well-being.
Who is Holden’s favorite biblical character?
It is telling that, other than Jesus, Holden’s favorite character in the Bible is “that lunatic and all, that lived in the tombs and kept cutting himself with stones.” He refers to Mark 5: 1-20, in which Jesus meets the troubled soul whose “name is Legion: for we are many.” Holden himself is a troubled soul and, like …
Why does Holden cry at the carousel?
Holden is struggling to find his place in the world, and there are so many people that disappoint him. He could also be crying because he is disappointed to himself…but once again, Phoebe’s acceptance of him despite his “disappointing behaviors” may simply be too great a joy to endure without tears.
Is Holden in a mental hospital?
Holden (despite the confusion of the Harcourt Brace executive) is not crazy; he tells his story from a sanatorium (where he has gone because of a fear that he has t.b.), not a mental hospital.
Is Holden Caulfield mentally ill?
While it is obvious that Caulfield is depressed (he says so throughout the book, and he exhibits symptoms of depression, such as an inability to concentrate and anhedonia, a lack of interest in just about anything), it may be less obvious that he appears to be both manic and psychotic.
What does the last line of Catcher in the Rye mean?
The last line reveals some of the sadness behind the truth that life keeps moving on. It is a truth that Holden never has to fully face, because he never ages beyond sixteen, and Salinger hid from it, quite successfully for the rest of his long life.
What is wrong with Holden Caulfield?
Holden Caulfield suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. The fictional cause is the death of his beloved little brother, Allie. The reason that The Catcher in the Rye is so powerful is that it is a true book (I don’t say that it is a true story). Salinger, himself, and Holden’s PTSD is Salinger’s PTSD.
What is the moral of Catcher in the Rye?
As its title indicates, the dominating theme of The Catcher in the Rye is the protection of innocence, especially of children. For most of the book, Holden sees this as a primary virtue. Holden’s enemy is the adult world and the cruelty and artificiality that it entails.
What does the catcher in the rye symbolize?
The title of The Catcher in the Rye is a reference to “Comin’ Thro the Rye,” a Robert Burns poem and a symbol for the main character’s longing to preserve the innocence of childhood. “If a body catch a body coming through the rye.”
What is the most important symbol in The Catcher in the Rye?
red hunting hat
Why was Holden Caulfield depressed?
His past traumas and current issues have led him to depression. In the beginning, Holden tells readers about the two deaths he experienced. His younger brother, Allie, died of leukemia three years prior, which greatly impacted him emotionally. The entire novel, Holden struggles to come to terms with growing up.
What is the irony in The Catcher in the Rye?
The irony of The Catcher in the Rye is that Holden subconsciously longs to be accepted yet feels he cannot make the connection. Yet he does by making Salinger the unwilling, erstwhile guru to a generation of displaced teenagers who made Holden an icon of their angst.
What literary devices are used in The Catcher in the Rye?
J.D. Salinger uses many literary devices throughout this novel. Three of them include: symbolism, irony, and motifs. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.
What does Jane Gallagher mean to Holden?
Jane Gallagher: Jane represents a person who was a perfect, innocent crush for Holden. She, like Allie, did odd things because of guileless, innocent motives. In checkers, she would keep her kings in the back row, not because of strategy or vanity, but because she thought it was cute.
What does Holden mean when he says he wants to be the catcher in the rye?
The catcher in the rye represents Holden himself. He wants to be the person who stands at the edge of the cliff ensuring that the children do not run blindly, or at all, over the side. Essentially, Holden wants to be able to protect those younger than them, for it seems he still has hope for those like Phoebe.