What gender are guinea pigs?

What gender are guinea pigs?

Use your fingers to part the genital opening gently. If the genital area forms a “Y” shape, this means the cavy is female. Male cavies have a genital opening that is shaped like a small circular dot with a penis raised above the level of the surrounding skin.

What happens if you put a male and female guinea pig together?

As pets they are usually kept in pairs or trios of the same sex. Two females (sows) will live happily together, as will two males (boars), particularly if they are siblings. If a female and male live together the male will have to be castrated, unless you are planning on breeding them.

Should I get a 3rd guinea pig?

So it’s true that you can add a third guinea pig to the ones that you currently have and it could be a really great experience if you introduce them properly. All guinea pigs have their own unique personalities and may not always get along all the time though.

Can 3 guinea pig boars live together?

Re: How compatible are 3 male guinea pigs? You shouldn’t do it at all. Three boars almost NEVER works out, and if you do try to introduce another, you may ruin the relationship between the two you’ve got. It’s also possible to wind up with three solo pigs, none of which will live with another pig.

How long do guinea pigs take to bond?

It can take a guinea pig anywhere from three days to as much as three weeks or more to get used to their new owner. While that can sound like a long time, try not to get too discouraged if your guinea pig takes that long or even longer before getting used to you.

What do guinea pigs usually die from?


Is it OK to have guinea pigs in your bedroom?

Yes, it is entirely safe to keep your guinea pigs in a bedroom if you can ensure the temperature and airflow of the room is good enough for your piggies. A guinea pig can live comfortably in a temperature range of 18°C to 24°C. Anything above or below that can be bad for their health.

Can guinea pigs eat potatoes raw?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat any form of potato. Potatoes have solanine which is harmful to guinea pigs, so whether they are cooked or baked, they just can’t be served to guinea pigs.

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