
What happened after Silent Spring?

What happened after Silent Spring?

The years following the controversy over Silent Spring saw the establishment of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the passing of numerous laws protecting the environment and human health, including a ban on domestic use of DDT in 1972 due to its widespread overuse and harmful impact on the environment.

What is the purpose of a fable for tomorrow?

“A Fable for Tomorrow” was intended by the author Rachel Carson to serve as a warning for the overuse of pesticides in the eco-system. Published in 1962, the town described in the essay initially epitomizes the small towns of another time when everything seemed in perfect harmony with nature.

What does the obligation to endure mean?

Rachel Louise Carson, the author of the essay “The Obligation to Endure”, was a professor. In this essay, she argues that human beings are to suffer for their wrongdoings. The writer argues that there is a strong relationship between living beings and their surroundings.

What does Carson mean when she says that in the modern world there is no time?

Carson argues with time, nature adjusts and changes as needed (evolution), but “in the modern world there is no time.” Carson argues insects need to be controlled, but not indiscriminately, in ways that destroy all insects and harm people in the process.

What does Carson see as the central problem of our age?

She sees the central problem of our age is that we are using pesticides just to get rid of some bugs, but in result we are also killing ourselves.

What do you think Carson’s purpose was in ending the final paragraph with someone else’s words?

Carson’s purpose in ending the final paragraph with someone else’s words was to put a greater emphasis on credibility.

Why do you think the author waits until the final paragraph to explain that the town she describes does not actually exist?

Rachel Carson explains further that the town she describes does not actually exist to make the readers understand the effects of the chemicals and insecticides caused mass destruction due to extensive use causing the nature to perish slowly.

What is the condition of life at the beginning of this excerpt?

‘ What is the condition of life at the beginning of this excerpt? Life is idyllic.

Why do you think Carson presented her environmental warning as a fable?

Why? “A Fable for Tomorrow” was intended by the author Rachel Carson to serve as a warning for the overuse of pesticides in the eco-system.

Is Carson opposed to the use of all toxins?

Carson suggested that chemical insecticides and herbicides be called biocides because they cannot be used without destroying life. Carson is not against the use of all toxins but believes that they need to be heavily regulated.

How do toxins contribute to water pollution Silent Spring?

How do Toxins contribute to water pollution? Toxins in pesticides end up in soil and runoff in lakes and streams. So not only are pesticides killing plant life, they also damage marine life.

Why is the book called Silent Spring?

The title Silent Spring was inspired by a line from the John Keats poem “La Belle Dame sans Merci” and evokes a ruined environment in which “the sedge is wither’d from the lake, / And no birds sing.” Silent Spring was first published as a serial in The New Yorker and then as a book by Houghton Mifflin.

When was DDT banned in the United States?


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