What happened as Stanley stood in the hole and zero held the suitcase?

What happened as Stanley stood in the hole and zero held the suitcase?

Q. What happened as Stanley stood in the hole and Zero held the suitcase? An onion fell out of the hole where the suitcase had been.

Why does Stanley’s attorney take zero with them when they leave?

Because he does not want to leave Zero alone at Camp Greenlake. Why does Stanley’s attorney take Zero with them when they leave? The warden can’t produce Zero’s record to show why he was incarcerated.

Why did Stanley’s heart stop when he peered into the bottom of one of the holes?

Stanley ‘s heart stopped when he peered into the bottom of one of the holes because there was a family of yellow spotted lizards in the bottom. Stanley had piece of chocolate for lunch. The pool of water kept moving away from Stanley because it was a mirage. Stanley found a boat in the dry and barren wasteland.

What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?

Why do you think that he feels proud when his hole is finished? Stanley learned that it is harder then he thought to dig the hole. Stanley was not physically active before going to camp GreenLake, and after working hard, was prud when he completed it. He does not think of himself as strong.

What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole?

After digging his first hole, Stanley starts changing in other ways too. This accomplishment teaches Stanley to depend on himself for survival and see life differently as well as to do things by himself. It helps him start to grow up and become a young man. Stanley also finds friendship at Camp Green Lake.

What does zero say he likes to do?

Expert Answers Zero (Hector Zeroni) told the boys’ supervisor Mr. Pendanski that he liked to dig holes.

What did Mr Pendanski say to zero?

Pendanski taunts Zero about how stupid he is. Zero says that he will not dig any more holes and when Mr. Pendanski tells him that digging holes is all he’ll ever be good for, Zero smashes his shovel across Mr. Pendanski’s face and runs away.

What does each boy do when they finish digging their hole?

When each boy finishes digging his hole, what it the ritual he does? He spits in it.

Is Kissin Kate Barlow the warden?

Kate Barlow returns to the lake and was sitting against Sam’s boat, Mary Lou, when Charles “Trout” Walker and Linda Walker (One of Katherine’s former students) came up and threatened to kill her….Killed By.

Camp Green Lake Staff The Warden (Louise Walker) • Mr. Sir (Marion Sevillo) • Mr. Pendanski (Mom)

How old is Stanley Yelnats now?

Camp Green Lake. Stanley Yelnats IV (also known as “Caveman” by the rest of the campers, but referred to in the book by his proper name): Stanley is a 14-year-old boy who does not have any friends from school and is often picked on by his classmates and the school bully.

Is Kate Barlow real?

Katherine Barlow was born in 1878 in Green Lake, Texas. She was the only daughter of Mr Duke Barlow and Mrs Luanne Barlow. She passed all her exams with distinction and returned to Green Lake to become the town’s only schoolteacher. She taught in the old one-room schoolhouse, near the lake.

What does Kate Barlow make in holes?

spiced peaches

Who killed Sam in holes?

Trout Walker

Category: FAQ

What happened as Stanley stood in the hole and zero held the suitcase?

What happened as Stanley stood in the hole and zero held the suitcase?

Q. What happened as Stanley stood in the hole and Zero held the suitcase? An onion fell out of the hole where the suitcase had been.

Why did Stanley keep his eyes down as Mr Sir ladled oatmeal into his bowl?

Why did Stanley keep his eyes down as Mr. Sir ladled oatmeal into his bowl? He didn’t want to get hurt.

Why didn’t the yellow spotted lizards bite Stanley and Zero?

While in the hole, the lizards crawl over Stanley but do not bite him. The reason that the lizards do not bite either Stanley or Zero is because both boys have been eating nothing but onions for the past few days. In Chapter 42, Zero guesses that they have eaten “Two hundred and eighty onions” in the last week.

What did Stanley find upside down in the middle of the desert?

6. What did Stanley find upside down in the middle of the desert? In the middle of the desert Stanley found an overturned boat, with the name Mary Lou painted on it, sticking out of the dry ground.

What was the wardens solution to zero disappearing?

digging holes. Zero was finally pushed too far. What was the Warden’s solution to Zero disappearing from Camp Green Lake? Make it look like Zero was never at camp.

What did Mr Pendanski say to zero?

Pendanski taunts Zero about how stupid he is. Zero says that he will not dig any more holes and when Mr. Pendanski tells him that digging holes is all he’ll ever be good for, Zero smashes his shovel across Mr. Pendanski’s face and runs away.

Why does zero say I like to dig holes?

From this passage, we see that digging a perfect hole is one of the only ways for Zero to prove that he’s good at something. He can’t defend himself and he can’t read, but he can dig the fastest and the best hole.

How did Miss Barlow die?

32 ​Narrator: ​Kate Barlow died laughing after her heart broken into a million pieces and scattered at the bottom of dried up Green Lake.

Is Mr SIR in holes a woman?

Sir in Holes was really a woman. At the end of the movie, “Mr. Sir” is pointed out by a police officer as Marion Sevillo, a criminal hiding from the law.

Is zero related to Madame Zeroni?

The fact that Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni reveals another relation: Zero is a descendent of Madame Zeroni, the gypsy who may have put a curse on Stanley’s great-great-grandfather.

Is Stanley Yelnats black?

Caveman (Stanley Yelnats IV) -a teenage white overweight (average weight in the movie) boy who was falsely accused of stealing Clyde Livingstons shoes which got him sent to Camp Green Lake. His family is cursed because of his “no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.”

Did Mr Sir die in holes?

Later, when it was time to refill the campers’ water canteens, Mr. Sir pours Stanley’s water onto the ground and has Stanley thank him for it. After Zero escapes, Stanley steals Mr. Sir’s truck to go look for him and crashes it in a hole after digging, leaving Mr.

Is God’s thumb from holes real?

Status. God’s Thumb is a fictional rock formation on top of a mountain that is part of the plot of the 2003 live-action film, Holes.

Is Hector Zeroni black?

Zero is the smallest boy in Group D. He’s black and is often scowling and angry-looking, though Stanley notices that when Zero smiles, his smile seems too big for his face.

What happened barf bag?

Barfbag was sent to a hospital to be treated for his bite and never returned to Camp Green Lake. Stanley Yelnats IV replaced him. What happened to Barfbag after that is he ran away from the hospital and recovered, but it is unknown how he escaped from the hospital.

What is barf bags real name in holes?

Holes Characters

Theodore Armpit’s real name
Ricky Zigzag’s real name
Hector Zero’s real name
Lewis Barf Bag’s real name

Who is barf bag?

noun. Slang. a disposable paper bag provided by airlines for each passenger in the event of air sickness and usually placed in the pocket behind every seat.

What gender is barf bag BFB?


What does barf mean?

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, or Bones

Are there barf bags on planes?

A sickness bag (also known as a sick sack, airsick bag, airsickness bag, emesis bag, sick bag, barf bag, vomit bag, disposal bag, waste bag, Doggie bag or motion sickness bag) is a small bag commonly provided to passengers on board airplanes and boats to collect and contain vomit in the event of motion sickness.

How do flight attendants avoid motion sickness?

Try Acupressure There is a pressure point on your wrist, called the PC6, that is known to help some people with their motion sickness. Check this post here to see how to find this pressure point. You can even try wearing a seasick wristband when you fly.

Does Walmart sell barf bags?

Barf Bag – 50-Count Car Vomit Bags – Vomiting Emoji White Throw Up Sick Bags for Motion Sickness, Morning Sickness, and Hangovers, Disposable Paper Puke Bag, 6 x 9.7 x 2.6 inches.

When was barf bag invented?


How do you use air sickness bag?

If vomiting while a passenger on a flight is simply not your bag, consider Using a barf bag for non-barfy purposes. For example, if you never get airsick on a flight, try using the bag to create a puppet to entertain a bored seatmate.

Do flight attendants have to clean vomit?

If it’s in the cabin and the smell is bothering (which surely does) then yes we do clean it. Once I had a flight where it looked like one of those movies where everybody get sick and it simply won’t stop, I never cleaned up so much vomits in my life and I felt sick myself after that.

Can you fly if you are throwing up?

You’re vomiting Sure, there might be vomit bags in the seatback pocket. But if you’re throwing up before you get to the airport, it’s a clear indication you need to delay your travels. “If you have a fever over 100.4 degrees or are experiencing vomiting, there’s a really good chance that you’re contagious,” Dr.

Where do you throw up on a plane?

Right middle sections are where the shakings are felt the least on a plane. You can choose your seats accordingly. When you feel nausea, lean back and try not to move the head much. Always choose light foods before your flight and drink plenty of fluids.

Is it better to fly on an empty stomach?

DON’T TRAVEL ON AN EMPTY STOMACH… Traveling on an empty stomach can make you more susceptible to motion sickness (even the Swiss Medical Services advise against traveling without snacking first). Try to eat something light 45 to 60 minutes before traveling.

Can you train yourself to not get motion sickness?

A new study suggests that we can train ourselves not to get motion sickness. For folks who are prone to motion sickness — that woozy, lightheaded, nauseous feeling when you get when moving in a car, ship, plane, or train — traveling is no fun at all.

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