What happened in the Demon Lover?

What happened in the Demon Lover?

In “The Demon Lover,” Kathleen Drover returns to her home in London to collect things for her family, who have fled due to World War II. Kathleen finds a mysterious letter. The letter reminds her of a promise she made to meet with her supposedly deceased former lover. …

What is the flashback in the Demon Lover?

An intense flashback follows, during which the reader sees Mrs. Drover as a girl in the garden of her family home during the First World War. She is with a man who is older than her, and the reader realizes that this is her former fiancé, on leave from fighting in France.

Is Demon Lover a ghost story?

“The Demon Lover” is perhaps Bowen’s most acclaimed and widely anthologized short story. Set in London during World War II, it revolves around the haunting of a married middle-aged woman by the ghost of a sweetheart from her youth, a man presumed to have been killed in the First World War twenty-five years earlier.

What is the theme of Demon Lover?

A major theme of the story is war. It is set during the Second World War, in the aftermath of an aerial bombardment in London. The Drovers have relocated to the country to escape, but Mrs Drover is obliged to come back to their family home in London to collect some belongings.

What is the dramatic irony in the Demon Lover?

Literary Elements Dramatic Irony- “Through the aperture driver and passenger, not six inches between them, remained for an eternity eye to eye.” flashback- “The young girl talking to the solider in the garden had never completely seen his face.” olfactory imagery- ” The whole drawing room smelled of cold hearth.”

Why is Mrs Drover’s house empty?

Why is Mrs. Drover’s house in London empty? London is being bombed during World War II and it’s not safe to live in the city.

What is the foreshadowing in the Demon Lover?

Elizabeth also uses foreshadowing when Mrs. Drover is to scared to look at the letter again. There it shows how Mrs. Drover feels as if there is an intruder or that the person that wrote her the letter might return to treat her badly.

Who is the protagonist in the Demon Lover?

Kathleen Drover Character Analysis. Mrs. Drover is the protagonist of the story, a forty-four year old woman who has returned to her house in London during the Second World War to retrieve items for her family who are living in the English countryside.

What is the setting of demon lover?

The setting of “The Demon Lover” is the empty streets of London, whose inhabitants have fled the destruction of their homes.

What promise Mrs Drover made to the soldier twenty five years ago?

In the short story, “The Demon Lover,” by Elizabeth Bowen, Kathleen, the protagonist, finds herself questioning the promise her fiancee made twenty-five years earlier. The promise is that “I shall be with you . . . sooner or later. You won’t forget that. You need do nothing but wait.”

What happens to Mrs Drover in the taxi?

Drover leaves the house, a lone taxi pulls up to pick her up. The text tells us that Mrs. Drover walks to the main road after she leaves the house. Drover, the taxi driver begins to drive back to her house.

Why did everyone leave Drover’s house?

Drover returned to a London that had been badly damaged by bombings. Residents who were able to chose to leave London to escape the stress and danger of the bombings. They went to the English countryside to live. This was what the Drover family did, leaving their house to be watched over by a caretaker.

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