What happens after Scout takes Boo home?

What happens after Scout takes Boo home?

Scout takes Boo upstairs to say goodnight to Jem and then walks him home. He goes inside his house, and she never sees him again. But, for just a moment, she imagines the world from his perspective. She returns home and finds Atticus sitting in Jem’s room.

Why is Scout sad about Boo Radley?

I think that adult-Scout said that quote because she finally could understand after she had matured what Boo Radley actually did for her and Jem and she was sad because she wants to pay him a debt. Scout and Jem did give something in return. They gave him friendship a friend so he would not have to be alone.

What makes scout sad when she remembers all the gifts Boo had given her and Jem?

What makes Scout sad in thinking back on all the gifts Boo had given them? Scout is sad because she remembers that they had given Boo nothing. What does Atticus say most people are like when you finally see them? Atticus says most people are nice when you finally see them.

What does Scout begin imagining after taking Boo home?

After walking Boo home, Scout stands on his porch and looks out at the neighborhood from his front porch. Scout finally understands Boo’s perspective as she images what he saw from his point of view. Scout also images Boo seeing them reenact his life story in the front yard as Atticus watched in disapproval.

Who’s Boo in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Arthur “Boo” Radley

Who does Atticus think is the bravest person?

Mrs. Dubose

How old is Atticus Finch?

Atticus is close to fifty. We learn this when Scout states: Atticus was feeble: he was nearly fifty. This is meant to be a comic utterance, saying more about the young Scout’s perception of age than anything about Atticus.

Why did Atticus shoot the dog?

In Chapter 11, Atticus shoots a mad (rabid) dog in the street. In a larger symbolic sense, the dog, because it has rabies, is a dangerous threat to the community. In shooting the dog, then, Atticus is trying to protect the community from its most dangerous elements.

Did they actually kill a dog in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Let’s dig a little deeper as we Remember this Moment in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. THAT MOMENT: Atticus takes aim at the rabid dog, removing his glasses. Once he’s sure, he kills the dog instantly with one shot./span>

What did Atticus say when he shot the dog?

Sheriff Tate knows that Atticus is the best shot in Maycomb and gives Atticus his rifle to shoot the mad dog. Atticus reluctantly takes Sheriff Tate’s rifle, and Scout describes the scene by saying, “In a fog, Jem and I watched our father take the gun and walk out into the middle of the street.

Why is Atticus called one shot Finch?

Atticus is referred to as One-Shot Finch by Miss Maudie because when he was younger he had the best shot in the county. He doesn’t like violence, so he stopped shooting when he had kids.

What gun did Atticus use to kill the dog?


Did Atticus Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus Finch is a fictional character in Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird. A preliminary version of the character also appears in the novel Go Set a Watchman, written in the mid-1950s but not published until 2015.

Is Scout still ashamed of Atticus Why?

Due to his age, Atticus is mellower too, not able or even inclined to play rough sports. He loves reading, which is a less exciting pastime to Scout’s young eyes. Later, Scout is embarrassed by how the town treats the family after Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson.

What happened when Atticus shot the dog?

When Atticus shot the dog, his children Scout and Jem who were witnessing it had the way they see their father radically changed. That is their whole understanding and perception of their father as a sensible, respectable character who is true to his values and beliefs and has a very wise and mature view of the World.

How does the Mad Dog symbolize racism?

Lee’s intended symbolism is obvious: the mad dog represents institutional racism that has unfairly accused a handicapped black man of raping a white woman. After killing the dog, Finch warns his young son, Jem: “Don’t you go near that dog, you understand? Don’t go near him, he’s just as dangerous dead as alive.”/span>

Why does Mrs Dubose criticize Atticus?

Mrs. Dubose is a hateful older woman who is constantly berating Jem, Scout, and Atticus. She is particularly disapproving of Atticus’s defense of Tom Robinson, an African American man accused of raping a white woman. She is critical of Scout because Scout wears overalls and does not dress in a ladylike way.

Why does Mrs Dubose hate Jem and Scout?

Why do Jem and Scout hate Mrs. They hate Mrs. Dubose at first because she speaks rudely to them and criticizes Atticus and their family.

What scout says about Mrs Dubose?

In chapter 11 Jem, Scout, and Atticus judge Mrs. Dubose. “Jem and I hated her,” says Scout. “She was vicious.” “She was horrible.” Yet Atticus considers her a “great lady,” the “bravest person” he ever knew.

What did Mrs Dubose call Atticus?

Dubose ridicules Atticus by saying, “Not only a Finch waiting on tables but one in the courthouse lawing for niggers!… Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for!” (Lee 64). Her comments about Atticus upset Jem who furiously walks away.

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