
What happens at the end of the chrysanthemums What does the stranger do that makes Elisa sad?

What happens at the end of the chrysanthemums What does the stranger do that makes Elisa sad?

What happens at the ends of “the chrysanthemums” that makes elisa sad? She sees that the stranger has thrown her chrysanthemum sprouts onto the road.

What does Elisa do after the stranger leaves?

Answer. After the repairman leaves Elisa runs to her house to check the hot water tank then she progresses to take a bath then to dressing and putting on makeup.

What happens at the end of chrysanthemum?

At the end of the story, Mrs. Twinkle gives birth to a girl and decides to name her after Chrysanthemum.

Why does Elisa begin to trust the stranger?

Answer: The stranger shows an interest in her chrysanthemums. Explanation: Leaning ever farther across the fence, the stranger offers to be a messenger for her, offering to carry’s Elisa’s chrysanthemums to a woman who also appreciates beauty but whose garden lacks chrysanthemums.

Why is Elisa attracted to the Tinker?

She is attracted to the tinker because, as Stanley Renner points out, he represents a world of adventure and freedom that only men enjoy (306). Elisa realizes her hopes for equality are nothing but a dream because she has been betrayed by her basic nature and by men.

Why does Elisa want to see a fight at the end of the story?

10. Why does Elisa want to see a fight at the end of the story? Why does she begin to cry? She feels used by the tinker and she may feel that seeing a big man get beat up will make her feel better.

What is the moral of the chrysanthemums?

The story’s major theme is about gender roles and the oppression of women. Trapped in her role as “wife”, “gardener”, and “housekeeper”, Elisa longs to have more agency, but can only watch from a distance as her husband negotiates business deals, and ask for small favors like wine at dinner.

Why does Elisa cry at the end of the chrysanthemums?

Elisa “cries like an old woman” because she is absolutely crushed because she realizes that she has been duped by the tinker and that he was not interested in her chrysanthemums at all. He had only pretended to be interested in Elisa talking about them in order to get some business from her (some pots to mend).

Why does Elisa ask about the fights?

She’s desperate to get those feelings back, and that’s when she asks to have wine with dinner and if women go to the fights. At this period of time, women didn’t go to fights, so she’s trying to feel strong again by doing something that’s off-limits to women.

What is the strangers motivation for pretending?

In the short story The Chrysanthemums, the stranger’s motivation for pretending to be interested in Elisa’s chrysanthemums is because he wants Elisa to give him work so he can earn some money.

Why are Elisa Allen’s chrysanthemums so important to the story?

Thus, the chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa’s role as a woman. First they symbolize her children; later they represent her femininity and sexuality. Elisa feels frustrated with her life because children and romance are missing in her marriage with Henry.

What happens to Elisa and Henry on their ride into town?

As they head for town, she sees the chrysanthemum sprouts she had given the man lying by the side of the road. Soon after, Elisa and Henry’s car passes the wagon and the man. After discussing their evening out a bit more, Elisa turns away from Henry and cries.

What does Elisa see as she and her husband drive into town at the end of the chrysanthemums?

As they drive along the road toward Salinas, Elisa sees a dark spot up ahead and can’t stop herself from looking at it, sure that it’s a pile of discarded chrysanthemum shoots that the tinker has thrown away.

Why is Elisa considered a complex character?

Elisa is perhaps considered a complex character because she seems sometimes passionate and lively and at other times melancholy and restless.

What do yellow chrysanthemums symbolize?

The color of the flower can also affect the meaning behind the chrysanthemum. A yellow chrysanthemum blossom on the other hand signifies neglected love or sorrow. A white chrysanthemum is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love. In general, chrysanthemums are believed to represent happiness, love, longevity and joy.

Why are chrysanthemums associated with death?

In several European nations, including Belgium, Italy, France and Austria, chrysanthemum symbolism has to do with death. The only time chrysanthemum flowers are given in these nations is as a token of comfort, grief or bereavement.

What are the health benefits of chrysanthemum?

Chrysanthemum is used to treat chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fever, cold, headache, dizziness, and swelling. In combination with other herbs, chrysanthemum is also used to treat prostate cancer. As a beverage, chrysanthemum is very popular as a summertime tea in southern China.

What does it mean when someone gives you carnations?

The carnation means fascination, distinction, and love. According to a Christian legend, carnations grew from the Virgin Mary’s tears as she watched Jesus carry the cross. This is how they became associated with motherly love.

What does baby’s breath symbolize?

Baby’s Breath has many different meanings, the most common being everlasting love and innocence. For these reasons, it is usually used for weddings and also given to new mothers. It also represents pureness and freedom from corruption, the power of the Holy Spirit, and self-discipline.

Are carnations tacky?

Carnations are beautiful, long lasting flowers. There is a perception among some people that carnations are “cheap” or “tacky”. Those people are snobs. They’re out of touch with floral trends and style in general.

What does Carnation smell like?

Odor profile: A spicy floral scent, with clove-like undertone, bright and vivid.

Are carnations romantic?

While pink carnations are a common Mother’s Day flower (they symbolize a mother’s undying love), red carnations represent admiration, deep love, and affection. White carnations can be a good romantic bouquet choice, too, since they mean pure love or good luck. Carnations are also the 1st wedding anniversary flower.

Are carnations considered cheap?

They’re affordable. Carnations have gotten a bad rap for being a “cheap” flower—as if that’s somehow a bad thing. No, carnations aren’t as pricy as roses or orchids, but we say all the more reason to embrace the bloom.

How much is a bouquet of carnations?

1. Choose Stem Quantity:

Price Price per stem
75 Stems $63.99 ( $0.85 per stem )
100 Stems $65.99 ( $0.66 per stem )
150 Stems $97.99 ( $0.65 per stem )
175 Stems $98.99 ( $0.57 per stem )

What is carnation flower used for?

Carnations contain substances that calm the nervous system and reduce inflammation and swelling. The oil extracted from carnation flowers have therapeutic benefits, which is used for the treatment of skin rashes, minimise the appearance of facial wrinkles and eczema. It is used as a tonic for fevers and stomach aches.

Are carnations good flowers?

Now, I love roses, they’re one of my favorite flowers, but carnations, that’s a different story. Carnations have a lot of symbolism behind them, going back to ancient Greece. They mean love and good luck and even every individual color represents something. There are so flowers you could get.

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