What happens if 2 spiral galaxies collide?
For example, two spiral galaxies can merge and form an elliptical galaxy. Galaxies are also composed of gas and dust. The gravitational pull of both colliding stars can interact with this materials, creating friction and shock waves that can ignite the formation of new stars.
What will happen if the Milky Way collides with the Andromeda Galaxy?
What will happen when Andromeda and the Milky Way collide? The result of the collision between Andromeda and the Milky Way will be a new, larger galaxy, but rather than being a spiral like its forebears, this new system ends up as a giant elliptical.
Are Andromeda and the Milky Way going to collide?
Previous simulations have suggested that Andromeda and the Milky Way are scheduled for a head-on collision in about 4 billion to 5 billion years. But the new study estimates that the two star groups will swoop closely past each other about 4.3 billion years from now and then fully merge about 6 billion years later.
What is the biggest star in the Andromeda Galaxy?
It’s Alpheratz, the brightest star in the constellation Andromeda. Many people use this star to locate the Andromeda galaxy in the night sky. While it appears as a single star to the unaided eye, Alpheratz is actually a tight double star system.
What does Andromeda mean in English?
noun (2) An·drom·e·da | \ an-ˈdrä-mə-də \ Definition of Andromeda (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : an Ethiopian princess of Greek mythology rescued from a monster by her future husband Perseus. 2 [Latin (genitive Andromedae)] : a northern constellation directly south of Cassiopeia between Pegasus and Perseus.
Is Andromeda a star or galaxy?
The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are expected to collide in around 4-5 billion years, merging to form a giant elliptical galaxy or a large lenticular galaxy….
Andromeda Galaxy | |
Mass | (1.5±0.5)×1012 M ☉ |
Number of stars | ~1 trillion (1012) |
Size | ~220 kly (67 kpc) (diameter) |
Apparent size (V) | 3.167° × 1° |
Who is the goddess Andromeda?
Andromeda, in Greek mythology, beautiful daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiope of Joppa in Palestine (called Ethiopia) and wife of Perseus. Cassiope offended the Nereids by boasting that Andromeda was more beautiful than they, so in revenge Poseidon sent a sea monster to devastate Cepheus’ kingdom.
Where is Andromeda right now?
Andromeda is up in the fall sky. To find it, locate the constellation Andromeda on a sky chart, and then find it in the sky. It is near the great square of Pegasus. The location of the Andromeda galaxy in relation to the constellation is marked on the charts found here.
What does Andromeda look like in the night sky?
The Andromeda galaxy is a large hazy patch in the night sky. On a dark night, this galaxy looks like a faint smudge of light, about the size of a full moon. Like our Milky Way, this large spiral galaxy is teeming with hundreds of billions of stars.
How long would it take to get to Andromeda?
2.5 million years
Are there any planets in the Andromeda Galaxy?
Astronomers announced a possible planet in the nearby Andromeda galaxy in 2009, but its presence has not yet been confirmed. So this makes the newly found planet, called HIP 13044 b, the first to be discovered around a star apparently from another galaxy.
Can a star exist outside a galaxy?
Yes, there are stars between galaxies. When there are collisions or interactions between galaxies, stars can be ripped out of the galaxies. These stars will then wander into space between galaxies. Such stars have been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope.
What is so special about the Andromeda Galaxy?
The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31 or M31, is a spiral galaxy located about 2.5 million light-years (2.4×1019 km) from Earth. Located in the Andromeda constellation, it is the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, where our solar system is, although it isn’t the closest overall galaxy to the Milky Way.
Which is bigger Milky Way or Andromeda?
The reason the collision is happening a few billion years ahead of schedule is that the Andromeda Galaxy is much bigger than it appears. The galaxy’s bright, starry disk is about 120,000 light years in diameter, making it slightly larger than the Milky Way.
Do we know what is in the Andromeda Galaxy?
We know its entire life history The major benefit of Andromeda being such a conspicuous night-sky object is that it’s been studied and scrutinised by astronomers for decades.
Can we see Andromeda galaxy from India?
Answer: Yes, you can see a few other galaxies without using a telescope! The nearby Andromeda Galaxy, also called M31, is bright enough to be seen by the naked eye on dark, moonless nights. The Andromeda Galaxy is the only other (besides the Milky Way) spiral galaxy we can see with the naked eye.
What does Andromeda look like?
The galaxy is just above and to the right of this third star. As noted above, the galaxy looks like a dim, fuzzy star to the naked eye, and like a small elliptical cloud in binoculars. Through a telescope the Andromeda Galaxy looks quite diffuse.