
What happens to glucose in the presence of oxygen?

What happens to glucose in the presence of oxygen?

If oxygen is present, then glucose can be broken all the way down into carbon dioxide and water. This process is called aerobic respiration because it requires air (oxygen). Because aerobic respiration breaks the sugar all the way down, it releases much more energy than fermentation.

How does oxygen affect ATP production?

The production of ATP is much greater in the presence of oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, 34-38 ATP are produced per glucose molecule. In the absence of oxygen, the net yield of ATP produced is 2 per glucose molecule. ATP is formed in the presence of oxygen in the process known as aerobic cellular respiration.

Why is more energy released in aerobic respiration than anaerobic respiration?

Without oxygen, organisms can split glucose into just two molecules of pyruvate. This releases only enough energy to make two ATP molecules. With oxygen, organisms can break down glucose all the way to carbon dioxide. Thus, aerobic respiration releases much more energy than anaerobic respiration.

What produces the most ATP per molecule of glucose?

oxidative phosphorylation

What process produces most ATP?


What generates the most ATP?

The Krebs cycle takes place inside the mitochondria. The Krebs cycle produces the CO2 that you breath out. This stage produces most of the energy ( 34 ATP molecules, compared to only 2 ATP for glycolysis and 2 ATP for Krebs cycle). The electron transport chain takes place in the mitochondria.

What is the net gain of ATP during glycolysis?

Overall, the process of glycolysis produces a net gain of two pyruvate molecules, two ATP molecules, and two NADH molecules for the cell to use for energy.

How many ATP does glycolysis produce?


What type of energy is in glucose?

chemical energy

What kind of energy does glucose contain?

Glucose that is consumed is used to make energy in the form of ATP, which is used to perform work and power chemical reactions in the cell. During photosynthesis, plants convert light energy into chemical energy that is used to build molecules of glucose.

Why does glucose have high potential energy?

Glucose has more chemical bonds that can be rearranged through chemical reactions. The rearrangement of some of these bonds releases energy – thus the bonds in glucose contain much more potential energy. CO2 does not have chemical bonds that can be easily rearranged and thus it has very little chemical energy.

Which has more energy ATP or glucose?

A glucose molecule can store 90 times more energy than ATP. However, ATP is an immediate source of energy for cells.

Where does the potential energy of glucose come from?

As Alberto said glucose comes from the photosynthetic conversion of electromagnetic energy (light) in to chemical energy. Chemical energy is a form of microscopic potential energy, that is to say it is the energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms within molecules of any highly energetic compound.

Does glucose have high entropy?

Diffusion of glucose molecules across the membrane will give them more room in which to move, with the result that the randomness, or entropy, of the system is increased.

Does ATP have high entropy?

The entropy, which is the level of disorder, of ADP is greater than that of ATP. Therefore, due to thermodynamics, the reaction spontaneously occurs because it wants to be at a higher entropy level. Also, the Gibbs’ free energy of ATP is higher than that of ADP.

Does respiration increase entropy?

Spontaneous reactions have a decrease in enthalpy (total energy) and an increase in entropy (disorder). The fact that respiration releases energy means that it has a positive entropy ( ΔS>0 ).

Is iron rusting an increase in entropy?

And of course this doesn’t mean that during rusting, the entropy of the universe decreases: although the entropy of the iron plus oxygen decreases, the entropy of the surroundings increases by even more. Nevertheless, it is clear that rusting itself involves a decrease in entropy, not an increase.

Is rust a spontaneous reaction?

Rust is an oxide of iron which is made by the reaction of Oxygen with Iron. It is an exothermic reaction and spontaneous too. It’s an endothermic reaction. But it occurs spontaneously.

Is iron rusting endothermic or exothermic?

Iron rusting is an exothermic reaction.

Why is iron rusting spontaneous?

The rust formation reaction is exothermic. In other words, the bond energy of Fe-Fe-Fe-Fe atoms + O = O atoms > bond energy of Fe2O3 [rust]. This surplus stored energy in Fe and O2, makes the corrosion reaction exothermic and it has huge implication in making rusting a spontaneous reaction.

Is iron rusting spontaneous?

The rusting of iron is spontaneous and is accompanied by a decrease in the entropy of the system (the iron and oxygen).

Is boiling water a spontaneous process?

For a temperature above 100 °C, the boiling of water is spontaneous. For a temperature below 100 °C, the condensation of water is spontaneous. According to the thermodynamic interpretation, at 100 °C, both liquid and gas coexist in equilibrium, and water is not committed to vapor until the temperature exceeds 100 °C.

How does rusting generate heat?

The process of rusting generates heat. This makes it an exothermic reaction. Specifically, pure iron (FE) as a metal, holds more energy than the metal rust, iron oxide, FeO2. The rusting process is parallel to that, turning Fe and O2 into FeO2 and releasing energy from the O2 molecule as heat.

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