What happens to Marty in make it or break it?

What happens to Marty in make it or break it?

Although the National Team trains at The Rock, Marty is named their coach. He is fired from the National Team by Ellen Beals after he tells her to stop bullying Emily during practice.

Do they ever go to the Olympics in make it or break it?

The season three finale culminates with the five girls, Payson, Lauren, Kaylie, plus Jordan, and finally Colleen, being chosen to represent the U.S. in the Olympics.

Does summer marry Sasha?

During Season 2, Summer starts a relationship with Rock coach Sasha Belov. At the beginning and during Season 3, you see that Summer gets back with Steve and seems to stay there with Lauren begging both of them to marry.

Why did Emily get kicked off make it or break it?

(In an especially ironic twist, Chelsea Hobbs, who played Emily and who was 24 at the time the show premiered, got pregnant during filming—a particular challenge for a show that emphasizes its cast’s bodies, and that caused her, as a result, to leave Make It or Break It after the second season.)

Do Damon and Emily end up together?

Damon eventually takes Emily’s virginity. In the meantime, Damon works on his music with Kaylie Cruz and they end up kissing in the recording booth (“Requiem for a Dream”). He later finds out that Emily quits gymnastics to be with him while he works on his music. They later get married and live a happy life.

Who is the mole in make it or break it?

Wendy Capshaw

Do Kaylie’s parents get divorced?

Kaylie is stressed out that both of her parents are coming, since their divorce has brought out the worst in them–often with Kaylie in the middle. They say goodnight and Kaylie tells Kelly that since she’s never said “I love you” to anyone that it kind of freaks her out, especially with her parent’s divorce going on.

Who won worlds in make it or break it?

Kaylie collapses during her beam routine & is taken to the hospital. In the end, Lauren, Emily, and, by a surprise vote, Payson all make the World Team. Payson is incredibly excited but is disappointed to see that Sasha left before hearing the results.

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