What has Jerusalem to do with Athens quote?
“What has Jerusalem to do with Athens, the Church with the Academy, the Christian with the heretic?… After Jesus we have no need of speculation, after the Gospel no need of research.”
Who Said What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?
What has Athens to do with Jerusalem What concord is there between the Academy and the Church?
“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the Church?” He argued that science and philosophy (represented by Athens) cannot lead one to religious faith (represented by Jerusalem). He believed Christian belief to be a matter of the heart rather than the mind.
What is the famous quote about martyrdom credited to Tertullian?
“The Son of God died; it is by all means to be believed because it is absurd. And he was buried and rose again; the fact is certain, because it is impossible.”
Who said the blood of Christians is seed?
13). Alexander Souter translated this phrase as “We spring up in greater numbers the more we are mown down by you: the blood of the Christians is the seed of a new life,” but even this takes liberties with the original text.
What did Tertullian say about baptism?
Tertullian generally advocates that baptism should be postponed. In his view, both the innocence of children and their inability to use their minds and the fear of unforgiveness of the sins committed after being baptized played an important role.
How did the early church baptize?
Scholars “generally agree that the early church baptized by immersion”, but sometimes used other forms. Howard Marshall says that immersion was the general rule, but affusion and even sprinkling were also practised. Tischler and the Encyclopedia of Catholicism say that the immersion was total.
Did early church baptize infants?
From at least the 3rd century onward Christians baptised infants as standard practice, although some preferred to postpone baptism until late in life, so as to ensure forgiveness for all their preceding sins.
Why is Tertullian important?
Tertullian has been called “the father of Latin Christianity” and “the founder of Western theology.” Tertullian originated new theological concepts and advanced the development of early Church doctrine. He is perhaps most famous for being the first writer in Latin known to use the term trinity (Latin: trinitas).
What is the heresy of montanism?
Montanism, also called Cataphrygian heresy, or New Prophecy, a heretical movement founded by the prophet Montanus that arose in the Christian church in Phrygia, Asia Minor, in the 2nd century. Subsequently it flourished in the West, principally in Carthage under the leadership of Tertullian in the 3rd century.
Who coined the term Trinity?
Tertullian, a Latin theologian who wrote in the early third century, was the first to use “Trinity” “person” and “substance” to explain that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are “one in essence – not one in Person.”
Why Trinity is wrong?
People often make this mistake because they misunderstand the use of the word “persons” in defining the Trinity; it does not mean that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three separate personalities.