What has neck but no head?
The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”. There you have it!
What has keys but no lock?
What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in? Answer: A computer keyboard.
What Colour is snake blood?
Which animals blood is white?
Answer. Insects have clear or whitish blood, more properly called hemolymph. It carries nutrients and wastes, and circulates non-specific immune cells, but has no red blood cells and very little to do with gas exchange. Some insects like beetles and cockroaches have yellowish or white like colorless blood.
Do snakes have blood?
Almost all snakes are covered in scales and as reptiles, they’re cold blooded and must regulate their body temperature externally. There have been several species of snakes discovered that are mostly scaleless, but even those have scales on their bellies.
What Colour is octopus blood?
Do crabs have blood?
But they don’t have veins. Their blood kind of sloshes around in their bodies carrying oxygen to various organs, as our blood does. Our blood is red because we use hemoglobin to move oxygen around. Horseshoe crabs use a copper-based molecule called hemocyanin to distribute oxygen.
Do crabs have hearts?
Circulatory System – crustaceans don’t have a heart. They have an open circulatory system . In this type of system vessels pump the animal’s blood into sinuses or cavities (holes) in the body. They have a primitive ventral nerve cord and ganglia system similar to an earthworm.
What’s the most expensive crab?
snow crab
How old are crabs?
Crabs are very old creatures. They appeared on the Earth during Jurassic period, 200 million years ago. Certain species of crabs are endangered because of the habitat loss and due to intensive hunt.
Do Blue Crabs feel pain?
Crabs and lobsters can probably feel pain. So why are we still boiling them alive? Crabs and lobsters have a tough time at the hands of humans. In most countries, they are excluded from the scope of animal welfare legislation, so nothing you do to them is illegal.