What if your title is too long for a running head?
The running head should be a brief version of the title of your paper, no more than 50 characters long (including spaces). The label Running head: that precedes the running head on the title page is not included in the 50-character count, because it’s not part of the title of your paper.
Do you put running head on every page in APA?
General APA Guidelines Include a page header (also known as the “running head”) at the top of every page. To create a page header/running head, insert page numbers flush right. Then type “TITLE OF YOUR PAPER” in the header flush left using all capital letters.
What is a running head title?
A running head is an abbreviated version of your paper’s title. It’s placed in the page header of your document, together with a page number. The running head is only required for professional manuscripts intended for publication, not student papers (unless instructed otherwise).