What information does a finish schedule provide?
A finish schedule specifies the interior finish material for each room, space, and floor in the building. The finish schedule provides information for the walls, floors, ceilings, baseboards, doors, and window trim. Finish schedules can vary in both format and complexity.
What is a finish schedule in construction?
A Finish Schedule is a form of product specification writing that outlines the materials desired on a construction project. Specifically, a Finish Schedule outlines floor, wall, ceiling materials and excludes lighting, windows, doors, and furniture.
What is a schedule in architecture?
The term schedule is used to identify, in most cases a chart or table providing descriptions of the windows , doors, finishes, lintels, footings, piers, etc. on a construction project. A window schedule is a chart that will identify each window opening on the project and all the details of that opening.
What is a schedule in a set of drawings?
A schedule of drawings is an itemised list of drawings required for a building project. It can be included as part of an invitation to tender, or may be prepared as part of a design management plan.
What is on a site plan?
Sites plan typically show buildings, roads, sidewalks and paths/trails, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.
What is the proper order of drawings in a construction set?
The General Order of Drawings in a Set of Construction Plans
- G for General Sheets: Cover sheet, plan index, and location plans.
- A for Site and Architectural Plans: Floor plans, ceiling plans, roof plans, elevations, sections, wall sections, and others, depending on the architect’s chosen level of detail.
What are the 6 types of construction drawings?
What Are the Six Types of Construction Drawings?
- Plans.
- Interior and exterior elevations.
- Building and wall sections.
- Interior and exterior details.
- Schedules and room finishes.
- Framing and utility plans.
How do you read layout drawings?
The Basics: How to Read Architectural Plans
- Be organized and diligent when reading plans. Start in upper left corner and work way across page so as not to miss any details.
- Read the plan cover sheet.
- There are often reference points that are used between professionals and sets of drawings.
- Review the plan index which provides a list of all plan sheets.
How do you read work drawings?
Drawing Scale Construction plans (blueprints) are scaled down representations of the final project at a ratio of the actual size. For example, 1/8″ = 1′ (one eighth inch equals one foot). When construction plans are scaled, it helps to put the part into a print size drawing that is easily read by the crew.
How do you read a site plan?
Tips on How to Read a Site Plan
- Find The Title Block. In the bottom right corner of most plans, you’ll find what’s called a title block.
- Learn the Plan’s Scale.
- Determine the Orientation of the Plan.
- Know the Datum Point.
- Note the Site’s Contours.
- Locate Existing Structures.
How do you interpret psychological drawings?
If your drawing takes up approximately 50% of the paper, it indicates a certain balance between extroversion and introversion. On the other hand, if your drawing takes up the entire drawing surface, it speaks of an excess of self-esteem, and even certain aggressiveness.
Why do I draw circles all the time?
Circles drawn inside each other means you’re searching for unity. However, drawing random circles means you’re looking for a friend, emotional support or craving to get noticed.
What does it mean when you draw circles?
Straight or curved lines represent masculine or feminine characteristics. Circles, squares and triangles often appear in doodles. These shapes are hugely symbolic and can be linked with our basic needs for love, security, sex and survival. Circles, squares and triangles show needs and motivation.
Why do I draw triangles?
Triangles and pointed shapes are usually drawn by ambitious people – those who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and dreams. This shape can also indicate someone is competitive and resourceful but might also suggest someone has an abrasive personality.
What does it mean when you draw a lot of triangles?
Drawing triangles in an absent-minded way reveals a powerful and ambitious personality. Sound like you? A lot of people doodle hearts, which signify love and romance. If you are a common doodler of this shape, you are likely to have an affectionate and sentimental personality.
Why do I keep drawing squares?
Squares or boxes Drawing squares suggests that you want control of a situation and are trying to work out a problem. Progressing from a square to a cube or box means that you’re likely to be very efficient and can deal with difficult situations easily.
What drawing a house says about you?
What’s being analyzed in your drawing? The dimensions of the drawing represent your level of self-esteem and confidence. Strokes and lines (their pressure, firmness, and solidity) indicate the level of determination and how comfortable you feel during a decision-making process.
Why do I like drawing spirals?
Drawing cubes is also a common sign of feeling trapped and powerless to resolve a situation. Combined with round shapes and spirals cubes often signify that the doodler really would rather be somewhere else at that particular moment doing something at lot more interesting.
Why do psychologists ask you to draw a tree?
The House-Tree-Person test (HTP) is a projective test designed to measure aspects of a person’s personality. The test can also be used to assess brain damage and general mental functioning. The test is a diagnostic tool for clinical psychologists, educators, and employers.
What does it mean if you draw houses?
Houses. Like flowers, houses are a common motif instilled in us during childhood. These doodles typically represent one’s home life or sense of security, and how they’re drawn indicates the doodler’s feelings about that. No windows — Indicates unhappiness or feeling trapped.
Why do I draw arrows?
Arrows represent direction and ambition. Drawn aggressively, they represent a desire for action. Drawn in careful outline, they indicate a desire for progression or advancement, especially if pointing upwards.
Why is Doodle bad?
Doodling in school often has a bad connotation, conjuring the idea of a student not paying attention in class and checking out of the learning process. In fact, research shows just the opposite is happening, and that doodling helps people focus on what they’re hearing to an even greater extent.
Is doodling a sign of intelligence?
It’s evidence that doodling isn’t a sign of a distracted brain. Instead, it is the useful tool of a brain that is trying to stay focused. Doodling keeps your brain connected enough to the task at hand that it doesn’t skip off to other, more fanciful, lines of thought when the current task is boring.