What is 30kg in Litres?
kg to l conversion table:
10 kg = 10 liters | 210 kg = 210 liters | 700 kg = 700 liters |
30 kg = 30 liters | 230 kg = 230 liters | 900 kg = 900 liters |
40 kg = 40 liters | 240 kg = 240 liters | 1000 kg = 1000 liters |
50 kg = 50 liters | 250 kg = 250 liters | 1100 kg = 1100 liters |
60 kg = 60 liters | 260 kg = 260 liters | 1200 kg = 1200 liters |
What is 2 kg in Litres?
Convert 2 Kg to Liter To convert 2 kilograms to L we use the formula [L] = [2] / D. In case of water at sea level and 39.2 °F, D = 1, so L = kg. Under these circumstances, 2 kilograms of water equal 2 liters.
How much is 1kg of water?
1 kilogram of water (kg wt.) = 1.00 liters of water (l)
What is the weight of 1 Litre oil?
General Weight Conversions
1 Pound = .454 Kilograms | 1 Gallon = 7.61 Pounds |
1 Pound = 16.8 Ounces | 1 Gallon = 128 Ounces |
1 Liter = 2.013 Pounds | |
1 Liter = .264 Gallons | |
1 Liter = .913 Kilograms |
How many Litres is 100g?
Convert 100 Grams to Liters
100 Grams (g) | 0.100000 Liters (L) |
1 g = 0.001000 L | 1 L = 1,000 g |
How many Litres is 1 kg of mustard oil?
Specific gravity of mustard oil is 0.9. So 1 kg will be 1.1 liters.
What is the weight of 1 Litre ghee?
905 Grams
What is the weight of 1 Litre diesel?
It depends on the density/specific gravity of the fuel. Diesel for automotive use is around 832kg/m3, or 0.832kg/litre, so there you go – 832g. It’s quite easy really – 1 m3 of water has a mass of 1000kg, or 1tonne per m3. One m3 of diesel has a mass of 832kg.
What is the weight of 1 Litre of kerosene?
0.819 kg
How many kg is 10 Litres?
Convert 10 Liters to Kilograms
10 Liters (L) | 10 Kilograms (kg) |
1 L = 1 kg | 1 kg = 1 L |
What is the weight of diesel?
What is the weight of diesel fuel? The weight of a gallon of diesel is about 7 pounds, roughly. Diesel weighs a little less than 7 pounds per gallon in the US (and a little more than 7 pounds per gallon in Canada), but let’s go with 7 pounds per gallon to make it an easy, round number.
How is diesel weight calculated?
Volumetric Weight For example, Diesel Fuel has an approximate SG (Specific Gravity) of 0.82, so it is lighter than water (SG =1.0) so to calculate the weight of diesel in the same sized storage tank, simply multiply the volume(litres) by the specific gravity (SG) of the fluid.