
What is 4 step energy transformation of a flashlight?

What is 4 step energy transformation of a flashlight?

The flashlight transforms CHEMICAL energy to RADIANT energy and then finally to THERMAL energy.

What type of energy transformation occurs when a light bulb is turned on?

electrical energy

What is the order of energy transformation?

Electric generator (Kinetic energy or Mechanical work → Electrical energy) Fuel cells (Chemical energy → Electrical energy) Battery (electricity) (Chemical energy → Electrical energy) Fire (Chemical energy → Heat and Light)

What energy transformation takes place when using a battery operated fan?

kinetic energy

What energy transformation is occurring in a campfire?

Answer: In the case of burning wood, stored potential energy (in the form of chemical energy) in the log is released due to heating by other excited atoms. This chemical reaction is called combustion and requires oxygen. Combustion changes the potential chemical energy into kinetic energy in the form of heat.

Which types of energy are used by a cable car?

Cable Cars and Swings Usually other forms of energy-electricity, oil, or diesel fuel-are used to accomplish these changes. The San Francisco cable car system, however, uses the decrease in the gravitational potential energy of one object to increase the gravitational potential energy of another.

What are the main types of energy released by a fire?

In the case of burning wood, stored potential energy (in the form of chemical energy) in the log is released due to heating by other excited atoms. This chemical reaction is called combustion and requires oxygen. Combustion changes the potential chemical energy into kinetic energy in the form of heat.

When you are on a swing where is your kinetic energy the greatest?

Kinetic Energy of a Swing [5] Kinetic energy is greatest at the lowest point, or the bottom, of the swing. [6] Kinetic energy is least at the highest points, or the tops, of the swing. It’s time to review this lesson on kinetic energy.

Why do pendulums eventually stop?

A pendulum is an object hung from a fixed point that swings back and forth under the action of gravity. The swing continues moving back and forth without any extra outside help until friction (between the air and the swing and between the chains and the attachment points) slows it down and eventually stops it.

Where is the most kinetic energy of a pendulum?

An active pendulum has the most kinetic energy at the lowest point of its swing when the weight is moving fastest. An ideal pendulum system always contains a stable amount of mechanical energy, that is, the total of kinetic plus potential energy.

How do you find the maximum kinetic energy of a pendulum?

The kinetic energy would be KE= ½mv2,where m is the mass of the pendulum, and v is the speed of the pendulum. At its highest point (Point A) the pendulum is momentarily motionless. All of the energy in the pendulum is gravitational potential energy and there is no kinetic energy.

What is the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons?

What is the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons? Violet light of wavelength 400 nm ejects electrons with a maximum kinetic energy of 0.860 eV from sodium metal.

What is the particle’s maximum kinetic energy?

When the kinetic energy is maximum, the potential energy is zero. This occurs when the velocity is maximum and the mass is at the equilibrium position. The potential energy is maximum when the speed is zero. The total energy is the sum of the kinetic energy plus the potential energy and it is constant.

Do the emitted photoelectrons have the same kinetic energy?

Assertion : In the process of photoelectric emission , all the emitted photoe. Assertion : In the process of photoelectric emission , all the emitted photoelectrons have the same kinetic energy. Reason : The photon transfers its whole energy to the electron of the atom in photoelectric effect.

Why does the kinetic energy of photoelectrons vary?

The kinetic energy of photoelectrons vary simply because of the fact that (after photoelectric effect has taken place) all the photoelectrons are not emitted instantly. These photoelectrons lose some fraction of their kinetic energy in such collisions before they are emitted out of the metal.

What is the relation between kinetic energy and frequency of the photoelectrons?

The kinetic energy of photoelectrons increases with light frequency. Electric current remains constant as light frequency increases. Electric current increases with light amplitude. The kinetic energy of photoelectrons remains constant as light amplitude increases.

Does work function depends on frequency of incident radiation?

Depends upon the frequency of incident light. Hint: The different metals consist of different values of work function because of difference in their electronegativity behaviour. Therefore the work function is that amount of energy which is required to get an electron out of the metal plate without any kinetic energy.

Does work function depend on intensity?

To a first approximation the work function is independant of the intensity of the light, because it’s an intrinsic property of the metal. However in practice there may be very small side effects e.g. if the light heats the metal surface this will reduce the work function very slightly.

Is the work function a constant?

The work function is actually related to the atomic configuration of the irradiated surface, and although it may not be constant for different atomic configurations of the same material, it is always constant for the same surface.

Does the photoelectric effect depends on frequency?

The photoelectric effect is dependent upon various factors including frequency of light, intensity of light, nature of material, energy of light and potential difference.

Why can’t all light cause electrons to leave the surface?

Light carries ‘energy’, which is to say it can cause electrons to move about and a surface to heat up. Increasing the intensity of the light increases the number of ejected electrons per second, but their ejection speed (kinetic energy) remains the same. Light below a certain frequency ejects no electrons at all.

Is photoelectric effect dependent on the intensity of light?

In the photoelectric effect, light incident on the surface of a metal causes electrons to be ejected. The classical expectation of the photoelectric effect was that the number of emitted electrons would depend upon the frequency, and their kinetic energy should depend upon the intensity of the light wave.

Is intensity dependent on frequency?

Now when talking about sound waves the sound level of a noise (loudness), it is proportional to the intensity of the source. If intensity of a wave is proportional to frequency, why doesn’t sound level, in general, depend on frequency. But according to the equation above, intensity DOES depend on frequency.

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