
What is a another word for hard worker?

What is a another word for hard worker?

other words for hard-working assiduous. careful. conscientious. diligent. earnest.

What is another word for studying hard?

What is another word for study hard?

apply oneself be assiduous
persevere strive
struggle toil
try hard be attentive
commit oneself devote yourself

What is the meaning of Study hard?

Study hard means you work very hard at studying. We don’t tend to say “study smart”, but it means to study efficiently and effectively. A person who “studies smart” might study less than someone who “studies hard”, but still do very well.18. maj 2017.

What is it called when you study under someone?

formal. —used to say who a person is taught something by He studied music under his father’s tutelage.

What do you call someone who works above you?

superior. noun. someone who is senior to you in an organization or job. Your immediate superior holds the position directly above yours.

What is a Reportee?

Noun. reportee (plural reportees) One who, or that which, is reported.

What do you call a good employee?

Noun. Tireless worker. hard worker. grafter.

How do you praise a good boss?

Here are five ways to show your manager that you appreciate them in a professional manner:

  1. Say “Thank you.” Say “Thank you,” and give a detailed example of appreciation.
  2. Share a handwritten note. Briefly thank your manager in writing.
  3. Compliment your manager in a group setting.

How would you describe a dedicated person?

A person who is dedicated is defined as: devoted to a task or purpose. Having single minded loyalty or integrity. Over that last couple of days we have spent time talking about different ways you can change your life. Changing your attitude. Believing in yourself.4. apr 2018.

How do you describe someone who works well with others?

Approachable: I work well with others. Articulate: I can express myself well in front of groups. Autonomous: I use initiative. Calm: I stay levelheaded in a crisis.

How do you say someone is dedicated?


  1. constant,
  2. devoted,
  3. devout,
  4. down-the-line,
  5. faithful,
  6. fast,
  7. good,
  8. loyal,

Is jealousy is a sign of love?

Many people glamourize jealousy by saying it’s a sign of love. It’s not! It’s a sign of insecurity and reflective of seeing your partner as an object to be possessed. It’s a negative emotion stemming from both desire and insecurity, but not love.28. sep 2015.

What does it mean to be zealous for God?

What Does It Mean To Be Zealous For God? If you think about that for a moment, then you can see that being zealous for God is being like God. It means to have the same passion, desire, and purpose in your life that God has towards you and His people.

Where does it say God is a jealous God?

You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the …

Do God get angry?

Yes, God gets angry but he also loves you perfectly. God’s anger is righteous, under control and never petty. Human anger often is filled with pride, hate or other sinful motives. God opposes the wicked and his anger is meant to turn them from evil and towards the forgiveness and freedom found in Jesus.

What does God say about jealousy?

In James 3:14 (NLT), he cautions those who wish to be wise, “. . . if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting or lying.”2. dec 2019.

Is God a he or a she?

“It” seems a bit rude, talking as if God was an impersonal force like gravity or inflation. So God has to be “He” or “She”, and in a patriarchal society there’s no contest. As The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: “God is neither man nor woman: he is God”. Other Christian groups have gone further than this though.2. jun 2015.

What do you call a female god?

A goddess is a female deity. Goddesses have been linked with virtues such as beauty, love, sexuality, motherhood, creativity, and fertility (exemplified by the ancient Mother-goddess cult).

Is the Holy Spirit feminine?

The grammatical gender of the word for “spirit” is feminine in Hebrew (רוּחַ, rūaḥ), neuter in Greek (πνεῦμα, pneûma) and masculine in Latin (spiritus). The neuter Greek πνεῦμα is used in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew רוּחַ. The pronouns used to address the Holy Spirit, however, are masculine.

What is feminine of God?

In fact, the personal name of God, Yahweh, which is revealed to Moses in Exodus 3, is a remarkable combination of both female and male grammatical endings. The first part of God’s name in Hebrew, “Yah,” is feminine, and the last part, “weh,” is masculine.1. aug 2018.

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