What is a BI fire extinguisher?

What is a BI fire extinguisher?

B-1 Extinguishers are USCG approved and meet the need for a Type B, Size 1 USCG approved Fire Extinguisher. Amerex B-I Fire Extinguishers must be: Dry Chemical, ABC, or Purple K: 2 lbs or larger. Carbon Dioxide (Co2): 5 lbs or larger.

What does a B1 fire extinguisher put out?

The number after the B, for example a B1 or B2 extinguisher, indicates the capacity of the extinguisher. The letter “b” here indicate the b-1 extinguisher is effective against flammable liquid fires. These can be fires where cooking liquid , oil , gasoline , kerosene or paint.

Under which of the following conditions is a type BI fire extinguisher required onboard a motorized vessel?

All vessels, including PWC, are required to have a Type B USCG–approved fire extinguisher on board if one or more of the following conditions exist: Closed compartments under seats where portable fuel tanks may be stored. Closed storage compartments in which flammable or combustible materials may be stored.

What are the symbols of fire extinguishers?

The geometric symbol is the green triangle and the pictograph shows ordinary trash and wood on fire. Class B – for fires involving flammable or combustible liquids, like gasoline, kerosene, grease or oil. The geometric symbol is the red square and the pictograph shows a fuel can in flames.

What color is a Class D fire?


What are the Colour codes of fire extinguishers?

What are the fire extinguisher colours?

  • Red – Water (both spray and mist)
  • Blue – Dry powder.
  • Cream – Foam.
  • Black – Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Yellow – Wet chemical.

How do you extinguish a Class D fire?

Fighting Class D Fires The most effective way to fight class D fires is with dry powder extinguishing agents because they absorb heat and smother the flames, cutting off oxygen. By removing these two essential elements of the fire tetrahedron, the fire will be put out safely and rapidly.

How do you quench an electrical fire?

If an electrical fire starts

  1. Cut off the electricity. If the device that is causing the electrical fire is found, and you can reach the cord and outlet safely, unplug it.
  2. Add sodium bicarbonate.
  3. Remove the oxygen source.
  4. Don’t use water to put it out.
  5. Check your fire extinguisher.

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