
What is a case in a debate?

What is a case in a debate?

In debate, which is a form of argument competition, a case, sometimes known as plan, is a textual advocacy presented, in form of speech, by the Pro team as a normative or “should” statement; it is generally presented in the First Pro Constructive (1AC).

What is a negative case in a debate?

The Negative Case In policy debate, the Negative team “case” will be a series of arguments aimed toward convincing the judge to not vote in support of the Affirmative plan; a policy which seeks to make significant changes to the status quo in order to solve some harms.

What is a Lincoln-Douglas type of debate?

Lincoln-Douglas debate is one person debating against another person and is primarily focused on competing values. Every two months, a resolution is selected from a list and used at tournaments held during that time period. Resolutions often take the form in which two values are pitted against each other.

What are the times for LD debate?

LD debate follows the basic time schedule 6 – 3 – 7 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 3. Each debater gets thirteen minutes of total speaking time, and three minutes of question time. The rounds take approximately 45 minutes in total.

What is a value criterion in LD debate?

In Lincoln-Douglas Debate, the value criterion (criterion, VC, or standard) is the means of weighing the value premise. Unlike the value premise, the value criterion is often swayed to either the affirmative or negative side.

What does Inherency mean in debate?

Inherency is a stock issue in policy debate that refers to a barrier that keeps a harm from being solved in the status quo. There are four main types of inherency: Structural inherency: Laws or other barriers to the implementation of the plan.

What is the purpose of debate?

The aim of a debate is to convince the opposition that you are right. When the two sides agree on the subject or when one side’s arguments are more convincing than the other side that is when the debate comes to a close.

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