What is a choppy sentence?

What is a choppy sentence?

Choppy sentences are sentences that are too short and often repeat the same words. They should be combined to make longer sentences.

What’s another word for choppy?

Choppy Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for choppy?

turbulent tempestuous
squally wild
inclement heavy
heaving ruffled
broken ripply

How do you correct a choppy sentence?

How to Avoid (and Improve) Choppy Sentences in Your Writing

  1. Conjunctions. Try combining sentences using a conjunction.
  2. Subordination. Subordination involves combining a main idea with an incomplete clause using a connector.
  3. Appositives. Appositives are phrases that add extra information about a noun in the sentence.
  4. Modifying Phrases.
  5. Reworked Ideas.

What is another word for fragmented?

Fragmented Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for fragmented?

broken busted
crushed crumbled
snapped cleft
riven disintegrated
separated severed

What is fragmented self?

In Kohut’s Self Psychology, the self is a psychological structure. It’s our experience of having a self and of being a self. The term “structure” is meant to suggest stability across time. When this structure becomes unstable, the self is said to be fragmented.

What is a fragmented approach?

A fragmented market prefers smaller businesses. They do not have to go all out when starting a new business and rather keep their focus small. Following a neighbourhood approach, rather than a citywide or nationwide approach, will surely help them market themselves better.

What is fragmentation give example?

fragmentation is a method of Asexual Reproduction, where the body of the organism breaks into smaller pieces, called fragments and each segment grows into an adult individual. ❤. Examples: Hydra, Spirogyra, etc.

What is fragmentation with diagram?

During the process of fragmentation, a fragment of the parent forms a new being. It occurs when a shoot that is rooted becomes detached from the main group. Multicellular organisms with simple body organization can divide or reproduce by fragmentation. But, it cannot be used by all multi-cellular organisms.

What are the examples of regeneration?

Echinoderms (such as the sea star), crayfish, many reptiles, and amphibians exhibit remarkable examples of tissue regeneration. The case of autotomy, for example, serves as a defensive function as the animal detaches a limb or tail to avoid capture.

What is fragmentation short answer?

Fragmentation is the breaking of the body into parts and then the organism develops all the parts of the body. The fragmentation is the type of reproduction in lower organisms. The fragments which are produced can develop into new organisms.

What are the advantages of fragmentation?

Advantages of Fragmentation

  • Since data is stored close to the site of usage, efficiency of the database system is increased.
  • Local query optimization techniques are sufficient for most queries since data is locally available.

Why is fragmentation not possible in humans?

Fragmentation is not possible in all multicellular organisms because : Different levels of complexity is found in different multicellular organisms. Specialised tissues are organised as tissues, and tissues are organized into organs. These need to placed at definite positions in the body.

What is spore formation?

Spore formation is a method of asexual reproduction. Plants like ferns, moss, fungi reproduce by this method. Spores are unicellular reproductive bodies present in sac called sporangia. When spores mature sporangia burst and spores are carried to different location by air, wind, water.

What is the example of spore formation?

Fungi like Rhizopus, Mucor, etc., are examples of spore formation. This is a common bread mould plant or rhizopus fungus. It reproduces by forming spores. Regeneration is an asexual method of reproduction.

What are some examples of spore forming bacteria?

Spore-forming bacteria include Bacillus (aerobic) and Clostridium (anaerobic) species. The spores of these species are dormant bodies that carry all the genetic material as is found in the vegetative form, but do not have an active metabolism.

What is spore formation explain with example?

Spore Formation is a method in Asexual Reproduction. Many Spores are stored in sacs called Sporangia. When Sporangia burst; minute single-celled, thin or thick walled structures called spores are obtained. Under suitable conditions, they develop into a new Plant.

What is spore formation Short answer?

Spore formation is a method of asexual reproduction which is found in non flowering plants such as fungi (Rhizopus) and bacteria. The form of asexual reproduction in which the organism breaks down into no. of spores and later these spores develop into new organism is called spore formation.

What is Spore class 10th?

The parent plant produces hundreds of reproductive units called spores. When the spore case of plant burst then the spores spread into air. Under favourable conditions they germinate and produce new plant.

What are the advantages of spore formation?

Advantages of spore formation:

  • The organism does not need male and female reproductive organs.
  • Organisms do not waste their energy unnecessarily in producing male and female gametes.
  • Large numbers of spores are produced in one sporangium.
  • Spores do not require any medium for dispersal.

What are the disadvantages of spore formation?

Spore formation is the method of developing new individuals by forming reproductive structures called spores. Some organisms like ferns, some groups of fungi reproduce by spore formation. A disadvantage is that the spores will be clones of the original organism, leaving them vulnerable.

Where spores are formed?

Spores are usually haploid and unicellular and are produced by meiosis in the sporangium of a diploid sporophyte. Under favourable conditions the spore can develop into a new organism using mitotic division, producing a multicellular gametophyte, which eventually goes on to produce gametes.

What are different methods of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction includes fission, budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis, while sexual reproduction is achieved through the combination of reproductive cells from two individuals.

What are 3 asexual reproduction examples?

They include binary fission, fragmentation, and budding. Binary fission occurs when a parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells of the same size. Fragmentation occurs when a parent organism breaks into fragments, or pieces, and each fragment develops into a new organism. Starfish reproduce this way.

What are 4 types of asexual reproduction?

There are a number of types of asexual reproduction including fission, fragmentation, budding, vegetative reproduction, spore formation and agamogenesis.

What are the 2 main types of reproduction?

There are two types of reproduction: asexual and sexual reproduction. Though asexual reproduction is faster and more energy efficient, sexual reproduction better promotes genetic diversity through new combinations of alleles during meiosis and fertilization.

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