
What is a claim in claim evidence reasoning?

What is a claim in claim evidence reasoning?

A claim is a statement that answers the question. It will usually only be one sentence in length. The claim does not include any explanation, reasoning, or evidence so it should not include any transition words such as “because.”

How can I make a good CER?

  1. CER Writing. A CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) is a format for writing about science.
  2. YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Write an essay to answer one of the following questions.
  3. Concise statement (1-2 sentences)
  4. At least one paragraph.
  5. At least one paragraph.
  6. Proofread for spelling and mechanical errors.

What is a CER activity?

CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) is an awesome way for students to communicate their scientific claims by connecting them with supporting evidence and linking them to “textbook” ideas and reasons.

Is a reason an excuse?

Reason implies that fault is sincerely recognized and accepted…. that you step up and take accountability for your actions. An excuse exists to justify, blame or defend a fault…with the intent to absolve oneself of accountability.

Why is it not good to make excuses?

To put it simply, excuses prevent you from living the life you want. You’re giving up before you’ve even begun. To reach your goals and get what you want, you’ll have to work hard and stop making excuses. No one has a perfect life, so it’s a waste to make excuses for why something is impossible for you.

What is the meaning of a bad excuse is better than none?

Prov. If you offer some explanation for an unwanted action, there is a slight chance that it will be accepted and you will therefore not be in trouble, but if you have no explanation at all, you do not even have that slight chance.

What does poor excuse of a man mean?

It means that she is really disappointed in him. I guess it relates to the view that men should be “gentlemen” and respectful towards women and since he insulted her, she got upset and told him that he is not worthy of being a man after such misconduct.

What is a sorry man?

1 usually postpositive; often foll by: for feeling or expressing pity, sympathy, remorse, grief, or regret.

What is the meaning of pathetic excuse?

1. someone or something that is of very bad quality. We have a failing economy and a pathetic excuse for a President. Synonyms and related words.

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