What is a collection of pitches arranged in ascending or descending order?

What is a collection of pitches arranged in ascending or descending order?

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A collection of pitches arranged sequentially in ascending and descending order constitutes a scale
The most common type of chord in Western music is the triad
The progression of ________ creates a feeling of order and unity in music. harmony

Is a set of pitches arranged in ascending order?

Answer. In music theory, a scale is any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch. A scale ordered by increasing pitch is an ascending scale, and a scale ordered by decreasing pitch is a descending scale.

Which is a true statement a chord may be built on any note of the scale?

A chord may be built upon any note of a musical scale. Therefore, a seven-note diatonic scale allows seven basic diatonic triads, each degree of the scale becoming the root of its own chord. A chord built upon the note E is an E chord of some type (major, minor, diminished, etc.)

What is a collection of pitches centered around tonic?

Tonic. Central pitch around which a melody & it’s harmonies are built. This principal of organization is called tonality.

What is the home tone of a major key?

In each tonal group or key, there is one tone which sounds the most stable, like a ‘home’ pitch. This pitch is called the tonic, and the name of that tone is also the name of the key. For example, in the key of C Major, the tonic pitch is C.

Which type of scale is commonly used in African?

A diatonic scale encompasses patterns of seven whole tones and semitones. Five-note pattern used in some African, Far Eastern, and Native American musics; can also be found in Western music as an example of exoticism.

What country uses the pentatonic and Heptatonic scale?

Two varieties are found: (1) equi-pentatonic (for example, in southern Uganda) and (2) equi-heptatonic (for example, in the lower Zambezi valley and in eastern Angola).

What level of economic activity is most common in Africa?


Is African music homophonic?

Polyphonic singing styles were almost certainly used by prehistoric hunters in central and southern Africa. Multipart singing in African music embraces two entirely different approaches, homophonic and polyphonic, with the definition of these words adapted to African cultures.

What does basso profundo mean?

deep heavy bass voice

Is Avi a basso profundo?

The music is different—as is the scarcity of his trademark basso profundo vocals—but Kaplan says his fans have embraced this more personal side. So when my [solo] music came out, the most popular opinion was that it really felt like me.

What is another term for basso continuo?

Basso continuo, also called continuo, thoroughbass, or figured bass, in music, a system of partially improvised accompaniment played on a bass line, usually on a keyboard instrument.

What does continuo mean?

A continuo is an accompanying part used in Baroque music, which provides a bassline for the other parts and adds harmony. It all centred on the bass line. Above the principal notes of the bass part, numbers and other musical symbols (‘figures’) started to appear like sharps or flats.

What is a basso ostinato?

Ground bass, also called basso ostinato (Italian: “obstinate bass”), in music, a short, recurring melodic pattern in the bass part of a composition that serves as the principal structural element.

What is ostinato example?

An ostinato can be a repeated group of notes or just a rhythm. An example of a rhythmic ostinato is the first movement from the Planets Suite by Gustav Holst. This is the movement in 5/4 time which describes Mars. Boléro by Maurice Ravel also uses a repeated rhythm all the way through the piece.

What are the two types of ostinato?


  • Rhythmic Ostinato. A rhythmic ostinato is a rhythmic pattern that is persistently repeated.
  • Melodic ostinato. A melodic ostinato is a repeated pattern where both the rhythm and the melody form the basis for the repeated pattern.
  • Basso Ostinato.
  • Ostinati Examples in Contemporary Music.
  • Examples of Ostinati Riffs.

How many types of ostinato are there?

a mystery chaconne with 62 variations.

What is the difference between repetition and ostinato?

is that “repetition” is the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated and “ostinato” is a piece of melody, a chord progression, or a bass figure that is repeated over and over as a musical accompaniment.

What is a collection of pitches arranged in ascending or descending order?

What is a collection of pitches arranged in ascending or descending order?

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A collection of pitches arranged sequentially in ascending and descending order constitutes a scale
The most common type of chord in Western music is the triad
The progression of ________ creates a feeling of order and unity in music. harmony

Which term best describes a combination of pitches that sounds discordant or in need of resolution?

A combination of tones that sounds discordant or in need of resolution is called. dissonant.

What determines the tonality of a piece?

Tonality is the arrangement of pitches and/or chords of a musical work in a hierarchy of perceived relations, stabilities, attractions and directionality. Tonality is an organized system of tones (e.g., the tones of a major or minor scale) in which one tone (the tonic) becomes the central point for the remaining tones.

What is the principle of organization around a central tone?

Tonality, in music, principle of organizing musical compositions around a central note, the tonic. Generally, any Western or non-Western music periodically returning to a central, or focal, tone exhibits tonality.

What instrument has the largest pitch range?


Which instrument is the biggest member of the string family?

The strings are the largest family of instruments in the orchestra and they come in four sizes: the violin, which is the smallest, viola, cello, and the biggest, the double bass, sometimes called the contrabass.

What is the smallest instrument in the woodwind family?


What instrument is similar to recorder?

The Oboe is a woodwind instrument There are a lot of types of woodwinds including the flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, bagpipes, and recorder. They all look somewhat similar in that they are all long tubes of various sizes with metal keys that cover the holes when played to make different notes.

What are the 3 members of the flute family?

It is not unusual for a performer who plays the flute to switch to other members of the flute family: the piccolo, alto flute and bass flute.

Is a piccolo A flute?

Piccolo, (Italian: “small flute”) in full flauto piccolo, highest-pitched woodwind instrument of orchestras and military bands. It is a small transverse (horizontally played) flute of conical or cylindrical bore, fitted with Boehm-system keywork and pitched an octave higher than the ordinary concert flute.

What is a wooden flute called?


What is the biggest flute called?

double contrabass flute

What is the most expensive flute in the world?

Verne Q. Powell flute

What is the smallest flute?

What is a high pitched flute called?

What is the key of a flute?

The standard concert flute, also called C flute, Boehm flute, silver flute, or simply flute, is pitched in C and has a range of about three and a half to four octaves starting from the note C4 (middle C).

Is there a flute smaller than a piccolo?

The piccolo is half the size of a flute. This instrument is smaller than the flute, although its size means it can be difficult to play in tune. This instrument plays higher notes than the flute with a range an octave above. They actually play the highest notes of the woodwind family.

What 2 kinds of reeds are there?

Most woodwind instrument reeds are made from cane, but there are synthetic reeds for clarinet, saxophone, double reed instruments, and bagpipes. Synthetic reeds are more durable and do not need to be moistened prior to playing, but many players consider them to have inferior tone.

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