What is a cultural crossroad?
a cultural crossroads. A place where various cultures cross paths. balkanization. The process of a region breaking up into small, mutually hostile units.
What are some important ways that Eastern Europe is different from Western Europe quizlet?
What are some important ways that Eastern Europe is different from Western Europe? Eastern Europe has less urbanization and industry and a history of communist rule.
How does the geographic theme of movement relate to a cultural crossroads?
World Geography textbook solutions Movement is the travel of people, goods and ideas from one location to another or political events. This means that at a cultural crossroads many peoples and ideas will get transfered.
What were the effects of Eastern Europe economic problems and ethnic and religious tensions?
Their economies were essentially still feudal, with small classes of land-owning nobles lording over peasant farmers, with very little capital to invest in industrialization. Ethnic groups vied for political power, with minorities like Jews often becoming the victims of scapegoating, persecution, and even violence.
Why have many empires tried to control eastern Europe who were they?
why have many empires tried to control Eastern Europe ? because the region is an important crossroads. most ethnic groups in Europe fiercely guarded their identities . Many wanted their own nation-states, even though faw had a history of self rule.
What was one group who took control of Eastern Europe?
Western Europe promoted capitalist democracies, and Eastern Europe came under the Communist influence of the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Eastern Europe began to transition toward Western European ideals.
How did USSR gain control of Eastern Europe?
In 1944 and 1945 the Red Army drove across Eastern Europe in its fight against the Nazis. After the war, Stalin was determined that the USSR would control Eastern Europe. Each Eastern European state had a Communist government loyal to the USSR. Each state’s economy was tied to the economy of the USSR.
How did the United States react to the spread of communism in Eastern Europe?
With the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. promised to support nations struggling against communist movements. Money was sent to Greece and Turkey to provide aid to people who needed it. The U.S. sent about $13 billion to Western Europe under the Marshall Plan.
Why did the US and Soviet Union want to promote their system for other countries?
After the war ended, both the Soviet Union and the U.S. wanted to influence Europe with their systems of government. The Soviet Union influenced Eastern Europe, while the U.S. influenced Western Europe. Henry Truman thought the U.S. should help other countries protect themselves from Communism so he started NATO.
What led the Communists to agree to a ceasefire in Korea?
Truman did not ask Congress for a formal declaration of war. What led the communists to agree to a cease-fire in Korea? The Americans thought China might become a communist state in Asia.
What caused Korean split?
When the Japanese empire was dismantled at the end of World War Two, Korea fell victim to the Cold War. It was divided into two spheres of influence along the 38th parallel. The Americans controlled south of the line – the Russians installed a communist regime in the north, later ceding influence to China.
Who arranged an armistice in Korea?
The two primary negotiators were Chief of Army Staff General Nam Il, a North Korean deputy premier, and United States Vice Admiral Charles Turner Joy. After a period of two weeks, on 26 June 1951, a five-part agenda was agreed upon and this guided talks until the signing of the armistice on 27 July 1953.
What effect did the increase in consumerism have on the suburbs?
What effect did the increase in consumerism have on the suburbs? Shopping centers were built in suburban towns. You just studied 10 terms!
What happened during increased consumerism?
Jobs were plentiful, wages were higher, and because of the lack of consumer goods during the war, Americans were eager to spend. During the same years, young couples were marrying and having children at unprecedented rates. New and expanded federal programs, including the G.I.
How does consumerism help the economy?
Consumerism drives economic growth. When people spend more on goods/services produced in a never-ending cycle, the economy grows. There is increased production and employment which leads to more consumption. The living standards of people are also bound to improve because of consumerism.
What are the negative effects of consumerism?
In general, there are five main negative aspects of consumerism, including:
- Causes more pollution.
- A major contributor to resource depletion.
- Leads companies to develop low quality products.
- Promotes poor labor standards and pay for workers.
- Does not necessarily lead to increased happiness beyond a certain point.
What is consumerism and its importance?
Furthermore, consumerism is an important component of the concept of supply and demand because it involves the supply of goods and services and the demand (consumption) of goods and services by individual consumers. Allows for a large variety of goods and services. Improves the quality of life for people.