What is a dumb question?

What is a dumb question?

Dumb questions are simple questions that probe the obvious, and simultaneously challenge and direct our thinking. Dumb questions are not accusatory or argumentative statements in disguise. Nor are they formulated with preconceived answers in mind. Rather, they are probing yet open.

Are there any dumb questions?

According to Carl Sagan, in his 1997 book, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, there are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world.

What questions have no answers?

17 questions that are impossible to answer

  • If God exists and he (or she) revealed themselves, would people who believe in God actually accept God as God?
  • If the Universe was born at the Big Bang, what existed before then?
  • Why do cats purr?
  • What is the purpose of death?
  • Why do women go through menopause but men do not?

What is the silliest question you’ve ever asked?

The stupidest question I’ve ever asked was “when are you due?”(to give birth).

What are funny topics to talk about?

Funny Questions to Ask—That Can Elicit a Humorous Answer

  • “What’s the most bizarre thing that you’ve ever eaten?”
  • “What makes you laugh?”
  • “Tell me the thing that made you laugh most this week.”
  • “What was the funniest movie that you’ve ever seen?”
  • “What is the worst advice that you’ve ever taken?”

What are interesting questions to ask?

List of fun questions to ask

  • What would you name your boat if you had one?
  • What’s the closest thing to real magic?
  • Who is the messiest person you know?
  • What will finally break the internet?
  • What’s the most useless talent you have?
  • What would be on the gag reel of your life?
  • Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?

What is an honest question?

An honest question is one where you are ready to accept answers, even if they are uncomfortable, and/or ones you may not like on first reading. An honest answer is one that tells truth from the perspective of the one answering, even if that doesn’t match the conventional wisdom of those reading it.

What is the best question to ask?

Here are the 8 best questions to ask:

  • What is the first thing you notice about a person?
  • What are some challenges you think the next generation will face?
  • What three habits will improve your life?
  • For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  • If you could have lunch with one person alive or dead, who would it be?

What is a good question?

A good question is framed in a clear, easily understandable language, without any vagueness. Students should understand what is wanted from the question even when they don’t know the answer to it. ‘, the same question becomes clear and specific.

What are examples of questions?

Wh Question Examples

  • Who are you?
  • Who is he?
  • Who is she?
  • Who do you like?
  • Who is your best friend?
  • Who is on the phone?
  • Who did it?
  • Who did you meet?

What is the 21 questions game?

How to Play the 21 Questions Game. Playing 21 questions is super simple and straightforward. If you’re playing in a group, the first player can choose a question and then the group can go around one by one and answer that question (with the person who asked the question going last).

What should I ask in 20 questions?

20 Questions to Ask a Guy

  • If the world was coming to an end tomorrow and you could choose only two people to save, who would they be?
  • What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
  • What is the thing you’re most thankful for and that you would never want to lose?
  • Have you ever had your heart broken?

What is a genuine question?

A genuine question is one that stems from curiosity. You ask so that you may learn something you don’t already know. For example, the question, “Do you really think that will work?” is not a genuine question because embedded in your question is your own view that you doubt it will work.

What is 21 questions the game?

If you’re playing in a group, the first player can choose a question and then the group can go around one by one and answer that question (with the person who asked the question going last). After everyone answers, the next player chooses a question and everyone answers again, and so on.

What are juicy questions to ask a guy?

Juicier Questions

  • How many people have you kissed?
  • Do you ever think about me?
  • What have you done sexually with someone else?
  • What attracts you to people?
  • What are your thoughts on sex?
  • Are you a virgin?
  • Do you think you’re a good kisser?
  • What turns you on?

How do u flirt with a guy over text?

How to Flirt With a Guy over Text (Without Being Obvious)

  1. Be Unique (By Being Yourself) You want him to like YOU, not a made-up person he won’t recognize when he talks to you face to face.
  2. Use His Name.
  3. Ask an Open Question.
  4. Make Him Laugh.
  5. Tease Him.
  6. Compliment Him Over Text.
  7. Use Emoticons.
  8. Leave Him Wanting More.

What are good dirty truths?


  • Have you ever had an exciting dream about me?
  • Do you love me? How much?
  • Where do you see this going?
  • How many partners have you had?
  • How many people have you kissed?
  • When was a time you were so turned on you couldn’t stand it?
  • How many times a week do you touch yourself?
  • Have you ever done it at work?

What are some good truths?

Truth or Dare Questions

  • What’s the last lie you told?
  • What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done on a date?
  • Have you ever accidentally hit something (or someone!) with your car?
  • Name someone you’ve pretended to like but actually couldn’t stand.
  • What’s your most bizarre nickname?

Whats a dare for a boy?

Dares for Guys

  • Draw a tattoo with marker on your bicep.
  • Give yourself a mohawk.
  • Shave off all the hair on one leg.
  • Put all of your clothes on backward.
  • Hold hands with the person next to you.
  • Send a romantic text message to a girl of the group’s choosing.
  • Wear lipstick for the rest of the game.

What are good dirty dares for guys texting?

Dirty Dares Over Text Messages

  • #1: Pretend you are making sweet love to the couch for the next two minutes.
  • #2: Pick up a random kids’ book and read it out loud in the most seductive voice.
  • #3: Go take your clothes off and perform a whole set of different somersaults.

What is a dumb question?

What is a dumb question?

Dumb questions are simple questions that probe the obvious, and simultaneously challenge and direct our thinking. Dumb questions are not accusatory or argumentative statements in disguise. Nor are they formulated with preconceived answers in mind. Rather, they are probing yet open.

What is the world’s stupidest question?

The 30 Dumbest Questions Ever Asked Online

  • Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?
  • Do midgets have night vision?
  • If i eat myself will I get twice as big or disappear completely?
  • Does it take 18 months for twins to be born?
  • Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?
  • I swallowed an ice cube whole, and I haven’t pooped it out?

Can I ask a dumb question better than anyone I know?

Quotes. Rose Nylund : Can I ask a dumb question? Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak : Better than anybody I know.

What disappears at the end of chapter 2 in Animal Farm?

After obliterating all signs of Mr. Jones, the animals enjoy a double ration of corn and sing “Beasts of England” seven times through, until it is time to sleep. Napoleon lags behind, and when the animals return that evening, the milk has disappeared.

Who are the smartest animals portrayed in Chapter 2?

In Chapter 2, The pigs are recognized as the cleverest of all animals.

What happened to the milk that disappeared in Animal Farm?

The milk disappears in Chapter II, and the animals discover what happens to it in the next chapter. It is revealed that the milk is mixed each day into the pigs’ mash. He even says that some of the pigs don’t like milk and apples, but eat them for the benefit of all the animals.

Who is the hardest worker in Animal Farm?


Who is the most powerful person in Animal Farm?

Who is the hardest working person in the world?

Carlos Ghosn

What did Napoleon do with the nine puppies?

Napoleon takes the puppies away to give them his own brand of education in chapter 3. When they resurface, they act as his personal police protecting him, doing away with his enemies, and allowing himto rule Animal Farm through fear tactics.

What did Mollie do wrong?

What did Mollie do wrong ? Where did she finally go? She allowed one of the men to stroke her nose. She was later seen in town wearing a ribbon and eating sugar.

Why did Napoleon take Jessie’s and Bluebell’s puppies?

Napoleon takes the puppies away from Jessie and Bluebell as soon as they are weaned because he wants to use them as a private security force. Napoleon tells the mothers that his taking them is an advantage.

What do Napoleon’s 9 dogs symbolize?

Napoleon’s nine ferocious dogs symbolically represent The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, abbreviated NKVD, which was Stalin’s secret police force. The NKDV was responsible for carrying out The Great Purge, which occurred from 1936 to 1938 and was notorious for its brutality during Stalin’s reign.

Who do the fierce dogs symbolize?

What do the fierce dogs symbolize? The Secret police.

Who do the 9 dogs represent in Animal Farm?

This one’s easy: dogs are symbols for the NKVD, Stalin’s freaky and powerful secret police force. During the “purges,” the secret police helped Stalin round up everyone who was perceived as a threat and then carried out their exiles or executions.

What do rats symbolize in Animal Farm?

Rats and Rabbits – The rats and rabbits are the wild animals that live on the farm. They represent beggars, thieves, and gypsies. Because of Napoleon’s corruption, they eventually become one of the few animals who still remembered The Rebellion.

Who is missing from the meeting Animal Farm?


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