What is a heterodox thinker?

What is a heterodox thinker?

Today, although the religious meaning remains, the adjective heterodox can describe someone who adheres to any atypical beliefs, such as scientists who buck the current thinking or politicians who do not toe the party line. The word can be a synonym of heretical, which describes someone with contrary beliefs.

What is the full meaning of Orthodox?

1a : conforming to established doctrine especially in religion orthodox principles the orthodox interpretation. b : conventional took an orthodox approach to the problem orthodox medicine. 2 capitalized : of, relating to, or constituting any of various conservative religious or political groups: such as.

What is the meaning of Orthodox family?

Answer: A family which maintains age-old traditions is an orthodox family. Such a family is not open to modifications and does not willingly accept modifications of any type. An orthodox family is averse to innovation and does not move forward with the social system.

What is orthodox method?

Orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people. Payne gained a reputation for sound, if orthodox, views. Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment. …

What is CTC method?

Crush, tear, curl (sometimes cut, tear, curl) is a method of processing black tea in which the leaves are passed through a series of cylindrical rollers with hundreds of sharp teeth that crush, tear, and curl the tea into small, hard pellets. Tea produced using this method is generally called CTC tea or mamri tea.

What is the difference between orthodox and CTC tea?

Orthodox teas are known for having more of a layered, bright and brisk taste, whereas CTC teas usually steep quicker, stronger and have very bold tastes and even bitter notes.

What is the meaning of orthodox Brahmin?

The social and religious system of orthodox Hindus, especially of the Brahmins, based on a caste structure and various forms of pantheism. The principles and religious practice of the Brahmins, aspects of Hinduism as practiced by the Brahmin caste of India.

Can anyone become a Brahmin?

Yes. Anyone who is a teacher, administrator or a priest is called a Brahmin and for being one, you ought to learn Vedas, Upanishads, Vedanta, and the mantras or prayers (chants).

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