What is a high fever for an 11 year old?

What is a high fever for an 11 year old?

A fever is a high body temperature. A temperature of up to 102°F (38.9°C) can be helpful because it helps the body fight infection. Most healthy children and adults can tolerate a fever as high as 103°F (39.4°C) to 104°F (40°C) for short periods of time without problems. Children tend to have higher fevers than adults.

How bad is a 101.5 temperature?

Dangerous temperatures are high-grade fevers that range from over 104 F to 107 F. Low-grade fevers range from about 100 F-101 F; 102 F is intermediate grade for adults but a temperature at which adults should seek medical care for an infant (0-6 months). High-grade fevers range from about 103 F-104 F.

What is considered a low-grade fever in an 11 year old?

“Low-grade” means that the temperature is slightly elevated — between 98.7°F and 100.4°F (37.5°C and 38.3°C) — and lasts for more than 24 hours. Persistent (chronic) fevers are typically defined as fevers lasting more than 10 to 14 days.

Is a temperature of 101.5 High?

The medical community generally defines a fever as a body temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. A body temp between 100.4 and 102.2 degree is usually considered a low-grade fever. “If the temperature is not high, it doesn’t necessarily need to be treated with medication,” Dr. Joseph said.

What should you do if a child is exposed to Covid?

Generally speaking, the CDC recommends that children who have a direct exposure, defined as being within six feet of a student with COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, need to be kept in home isolation for 14 days.

Can you sweat out a fever?

Sweat is part of the body’s cooling system, so it’s not unusual to think that sweating out a fever can help. Wrapping yourself in extra clothes and blankets, taking a steam bath, and moving around are sure to make you sweat even more. But there’s no evidence that sweating it out will help you feel better faster.

Should I sleep with a blanket if I have a fever?

Shivers may be a sign that your fever is rising. Do not put extra blankets or clothes on. This may cause your fever to rise even higher.

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