
What is a lancet for diabetes?

What is a lancet for diabetes?

Lancets are the small, sharp objects that are used to prick the skin. This piercing of the skin allows you to draw a small drop of blood to the surface in order to test blood glucose levels using a blood glucose monitor and blood glucose test strips.

Is the Lancet trustworthy?

OCLC no. The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is among the world’s oldest and best-known general medical journals. The Lancet has been owned by Elsevier since 1991, and its editor-in-chief since 1995 is Richard Horton.

What is the purpose of the Lancet?

Over the past two centuries, The Lancet has sought to address urgent topics in our society, initiate debate, put science into context, and influence decision makers around the world.

What is the impact factor of the Lancet?


Is the Lancet funded by Bill Gates?

The Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems in the SDG Era is supported by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Is the Lancet free?

Each monthly open access (subscription-free), online issue of The Lancet Global Health features original research, review, commentary, and correspondence.

What is the Lancet Commission?

A Lancet Commission highlights a call from 20 professional and academic leaders for major reform in the training of doctors and other healthcare professionals for the 21st century. Changes are needed because of fragmented, outdated, and static curricula that produce ill-equipped graduates.

Is the Lancet a publisher?


Is the Lancet a British publication?

The Lancet, British medical journal established in 1823. The journal’s founder and first editor was Thomas Wakley, considered at the time to be a radical reformer.

What does Lancet mean?

1 : a sharp-pointed and commonly 2-edged surgical instrument used to make small incisions. 2a : lancet window.

What is the most trusted medical journal?

Table 2

Rank 2000 and later 2012 and later
1 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1388) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (720)
2 The New England Journal of Medicine (1291) PLOS One (352)
3 The Lancet (1156) The New England Journal of Medicine (255)
4 The BMJ (921) Annals of Internal Medicine (200)

What is the most reputable medical journal?

Here are the top 5 medical journals in the world:

  1. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE (NEJM) Published by the Massachusetts Medical Society, it is one of the oldest and most widely read medical journals.
  4. The BMJ.

What is a good H index score?

H-index scores between 3 and 5 seem common for new assistant professors, scores between 8 and 12 fairly standard for promotion to the position of tenured associate professor, and scores between 15 and 20 about right for becoming a full professor

What is a good snip score?

A journal with a SNIP of 1.0 has the median (not mean) number of citations for journals in that field. SNIP only considers for peer reviewed articles, conference papers and reviews. SNIP scores are available from the two databases listed below: CWTS Journal Indicators and Scopus

How can I find my h-index?

Find Your H-Index

  1. Enter the name of the author in the top search box (e.g. Smith JT). Select Author from the drop-down menu on the right.
  2. Click on Search.
  3. Click on Citation Report on the right hand corner of the results page. The H-index is on the right of the screen.

What is a good G index?

g-index looks at overall record A g-index of 20 means that and academic has published at least 20 articles that combined have received at least 400 citations. However, unlike the h-index these citations could be generated by only a small number of articles

When do you not have to include a citation in when writing your papers?

Common knowledge does not need to be cited. Common knowledge includes facts that are known by a lot of people and can be found in many sources. For example, you do not need to cite the following: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States

What is an i10 Index?

i10-Index = the number of publications with at least 10 citations. This very simple measure is only used by Google Scholar, and is another way to help gauge the productivity of a scholar. Advantages of i10-Index. Very simple and straightforward to calculate

What is E Index?

Our E -index incorporates both IF-citation-based output and “total equivalent time”that the principal investigator’s team takes to deliver the output so that the bibliometric output can be normalized by the involved research time. ..

What is M quotient?

3 M-quotient. One way to facilitate comparisons between academics with different lengths of academic careers is to divide the h-index by the number of years the academic has been active (measured as the number of years since the first published paper). Hirsch (2005) proposed this measure and called it m.

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