What is a magnetic field how can the direction?

What is a magnetic field how can the direction?

the magnetic fields are the imaginary line which moves from south to north. this lines do not overlap each other. we can find the direction of the magnetic field lines by keeping a compass near to it.

Why do 2 magnets repel or attract each other?

When two like-poles point together, the arrows from the two magnets point in OPPOSITE directions and the field lines cannot join up. So the magnets will push apart (repel). It’s only when you hold unlike-poles together (a north pointing to a south) that magnets stick together (they are attracted).

What type of magnetism is present in a paper clip when it is attracted to a nearby bar magnet?

Answer: The correct answer is “induced”. Explanation: Bar magnet is a permanent magnet.

How a magnet can pick up a ferromagnetic object?

Bringing a ferromagnetic object, like a nail, into the magnetic field of a strong magnet can cause the molecules of the iron material to line up and the nail to become a temporary magnet. As long as it is in the magnetic field of the bar magnet, the nail acts like a magnet and picks up other ferromagnetic materials.

Can a paperclip become ferromagnetic?

Paperclips are not naturally magnetic, so, on their own, they will not stick together to form a chain. However, by using a magnet the paperclips can become temporarily magnetized. Materials that can be temporarily magnetized, but then quickly lose the magnetism are known as temporary magnets.

What is the best way to magnetize a paperclip?

Straighten out the paper clips. Hold a straightened paper clip by one end. Hold the magnet in your other hand Bring one end of the magnet to the paper clip at the point where you are holding it and then slide the magnet away from you, along the paperclip.

Why is a paper clip attracted to a magnet while is pencil is not?

A nail or paper clip has a magnet insidewhich a wooden pencil does not have. Oppo-site poles in the magnet and the iron objectare then closest to each other and attractionresults. A wooden pencil, on the other hand,does not have magnetic domains that will in-teract with a magnet.

Can liquids be magnetized?

However, it is possible to “magnetize” ordinary liquids by dispersing into them very fine magnetic particles. The resulting liquid becomes a homogeneous magnetic material, just like a solid, but it retains its fluid characteristics.

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