What is a periscope Class 6?

What is a periscope Class 6?

A periscope is an instrument for observation over, around or through an object, obstacle or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation from an observer’s current position. In its simplest form, it consists of an outer case with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45° angle.

What’s another word for periscope?

Periscope Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for periscope?

finder bombsight
viewfinder homing device
telescopic sight

What does protract mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to prolong in time or space : continue. 2 : to extend forward or outward — compare retract sense 1. 3 archaic : delay, defer.

Why is it called Periscope?

periscope (n.) viewing apparatus on a submarine, by which objects in a horizontal view may be seen through a vertical tube, 1899, formed in English from peri- “around” + -scope “instrument for viewing.” Earlier (1865) a technical term in photography.

Can you use foil instead of mirrors to make a periscope?

Start by making your own mirrors by using glue and placing aluminum foil on your index cards. Be careful! Make certain that the aluminum foil stays smooth and that you glue the shiny side up. Now take the shoe box and line it with black paper.

How could you build your periscope to see behind you?

Any sized box works as long as you have big enough mirrors positioned at a 45° angle. Make a periscope with a really long tube. The longer the tube is, the smaller the image you will see. Note: Periscopes in tanks and submarines have magnifying lenses between the mirrors to make the reflected image bigger.

Can you use tin foil to make a kaleidoscope?

You could also attach aluminum foil to paper if you prefer, or use anything shiny. The more shiny and mirror like this surface is, the better! Fold the foil-covered paper so that it make a triangle-shaped tube, with the shiny side on the inside.

How do you speak kaleidoscope?

Break ‘kaleidoscope’ down into sounds: [KUH] + [LY] + [DUH] + [SKOHP] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘kaleidoscope’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

How many mirrors are used in kaleidoscope?

two mirrors

What is Kaleidoscope in simple words?

A kaleidoscope (/kəˈlaɪdəskoʊp/) is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces (or mirrors) tilted to each other at an angle, so that one or more (parts of) objects on one end of the mirrors are seen as a regular symmetrical pattern when viewed from the other end, due to repeated reflection.

How many types of Kaleidoscope are there?

Wheelscope: This type of kaleidoscope features one or more wheels at the end of the viewing tube. These unique kaleidoscopes can have removable and interchangeable rotating object chambers. Marblescope: This type of kaleidoscope uses single or multiple marbles instead of the object chamber that’s normally used.

How many plane mirrors are fixed in kaleidoscope what is the angle between two mirrors in it?

This is because the image of object formed in one plane mirror acts as object for the other plane mirror. Thus, two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 90° form three images of an object placed between them….Some of the Uses of Periscopes.

Angle between two plane mirror No. of images formed
45° 7

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