What is a perspicacious person?

What is a perspicacious person?

Perspicacious is an adjective that means “shrewd” and “wise.” A perspicacious child can’t be fooled when her parents try to keep a secret by talking in Pig Latin. A definition of perspicacious that is out of date but still relevant is “having keen eyesight” and people who can see clearly are also aware and attentive!

What is the meaning of perspicuity?

Perspicuity refers to something that can be seen through, i.e., to lucidity, clearness of style or exposition, freedom from obscurity: the perspicuity of her argument.

What does Incognizance mean?

the state of being unaware

What does a cunning person mean?

adjective. Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people. These disturbed kids can be cunning. Synonyms: ingenious, subtle, imaginative, shrewd More Synonyms of cunning.

How do you say you are smart?

List of Alternative Ways to Say “You’re So Smart” in English.

  1. You have really improved on…
  2. That must have been a hard choice to make.
  3. What a creative solution to that problem!
  4. You work very well with your classmates.
  5. What a great friend you are!
  6. Wow, that was brave.
  7. You tried really hard on that.

What should I eat to become intelligent?

Eat Smart to Be Smart: 8 Foods to Boost Your Brain Power

  • FATTY FISH: SARDINES, TUNA, SALMON, MACKEREL, HERRING, COD, CARP, REDFISH, RED SNAPPER. High in Omega 3 fatty acids and DHA (also important for brain development and function)
  • EGGS.

Can I improve my memory?

Proven ways to protect memory include following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar in check. Living a mentally active life is important, too. Just as muscles grow stronger with use, mental exercise helps keep mental skills and memory in tone.

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