
What is a plausible alternative?

What is a plausible alternative?

adj. 1 apparently reasonable, valid, truthful, etc. a plausible excuse. 2 apparently trustworthy or believable.

What kind of approaches are there?

Types of approaches

  • Visual approach.
  • Contact approach.
  • Charted visual flight procedures (CVFP)
  • RNAV approach.
  • ILS approach.
  • VOR approach.
  • NDB approach.
  • Radar approach.

What is meant by alternative paradigm?

An alternative paradigm emphasizes how the incentives considered in the individual rational approach choice are themselves the product of group manipulation. An alternative paradigm is the single-payer, global budget approach.

What paradigm means?

example, pattern

What are the alternative paradigms of research?

Some of the alternative research methodologies mentioned include longitudinal studies, field experiments, action research, and field studies. Following a description of the nature of research, three stages in the research cycle are identified: description, explanation, and testing.

What is alternative paradigm of development?

A characteristic of the alternative development paradigm is the creative use of human resources. This is not a question of the full “use” of human resources. If anything is to be “used” it has to be controlled. The thing that is “used” has no will or desire of its own.

What is mainstream development paradigm?

Mainstream development here refers to everyday development talk in developing countries, international institutions and development co- operation. It now seems a long time since development was defined as growth and simply measured by means of per capita GNP.

What is dominant paradigm in development communication?

Communication in the dominant paradigm is basically associated with the linear, mass media model aimed at transmitting information and messages from one point to another or many others, usually in a vertical or top-down fashion.

What is dominant paradigm?

A “dominant paradigm” refers to the values, or system of thought, in a society that are most standard and widely held at a given time. Dominant paradigms are shaped both by the community’s cultural background and by the context of the historical moment.

What are paradigms in communication?

This paradigm emphasizes the importance of a source and his or her intended message. Receivers are typically viewed as being passive recipients of messages, and thus as the endpoint in what is viewed as a straightforward and predictable cause-and-effect process.

What is the difference between paradigms and principles?

The main difference between Principle and Paradigm is that the Principle is a rule that has to be followed or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature and Paradigm is a distinct concepts or thought patterns.

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