What is a return sentence they say I say?

What is a return sentence they say I say?

They say is the summary or an explanation of the opinion that you are responding to; you know because you talk about someone else’s ideas. What are return sentences? When you return to the “they say” in your text to remind the reader what you’re responding to. You just studied 15 terms!

What does it mean to plant a naysayer in your text?

A Naysayer is a counterclaim, or any criticism that goes against your argument. If you incorporate the criticism or objections to your claim your writing becomes stronger, more interesting and credible. It is the easiest way to improve your writing.

How do you use the word naysayer in a sentence?

Naysayer in a Sentence ?

  1. It seemed like this naysayer only knew one word when asked a question and it was never “yes.”
  2. With such positive feedback for the product, a dark cloud came over the company’s workers when the naysayer spoke his negative comments about the product.

How do you use morale in a sentence?

Morale in a Sentence ?

  1. Since the soldiers have not seen their families in a long time, their morale is at an all-time low.
  2. Many Christians are dealing with a crisis of low morale because they believe God has abandoned the world.
  3. If our manager wants to increase employee morale, he should praise our efforts more often.

What is a sentence for intolerance?

Intolerance sentence example. Berengar stood alone against a multitude, unanimous in their intolerance of discipline. The same intolerance that ruined the university all but ruined the city too. The caliph also shared Mamun’s intolerance on the doctrinal question of the uncreated Koran.

Why do you need to think about so what and who cares when you write your argument?

 By answering the “who cares?” you establish a type of contrast between what others say and what you say that is central.  It helps you to create dramatic tension or clash of views in your writing that readers will feel invested in and want to see solved.

What is the minimum word count for a PhD thesis?

80,000 words

What is a Workoutline?

Working Outline. A working outline is an outline you use for developing your speech. This is the outline where you lay out the basic structure of your speech. You must have a general and specific purpose; an introduction, including a grabber; and a concrete, specific thesis statement and preview.

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