What is a REUN in Afrikaans?

What is a REUN in Afrikaans?

 Afrikaans. English. reun. castrated horse; dog; gelding; male dog.

What do you call a boy dog?

A male dog is called a dog – but there is a disagreement over whether it’s a gendered term or not. In the breeder’s world, a male dog that hasn’t fathered an offspring is called a stud, while a fathering dog is called a sire.

What does Ooi mean in English?

English. ooi. doe; ewe. bokooi. doe; she‐goat; nanny; nanny‐goat.

What is Ooi Chinese?

Ooi is a Chinese surname that can be spelled in 2 different ways in Chinese: 黄 / 黃 [Huang / Ooi] Meaning: yellow, to fall through.

How do you identify Mould?

Mold is a type of fungus that has numerous nuclei that are identical. It grows in patches and affects the interior of a surface. Its appearance is slimy or fuzzy and can be seen as numerous colors: green, yellow, blue, gray, black, white, and brown.

What is difference between casting and Moulding?

The main difference between molding and casting is the use of the material in the process. Casting will typically involve metal, while molding focuses on plastics. In both cases, the melted material goes into a die or mold to create the final form.

What are different casting defects?

Types of Casting Defects and How to Prevent Them

  • Gas Porosity. Pinholes. Blowholes. Open Holes.
  • Shrinkage Defects. Open. Closed. Warping.
  • Mold Material Defects. Cuts and Washes. Swells. Drops.
  • Pouring Metal Defects. Cold Shot. Cold Shut. Misrun.
  • Metallurgical Defects. Hot Tears. Hot Spots.
  • Casting Shape Defects. Mismatches. Flash.

What are the casting defects and its remedies?

You and your supplier can typically address these casting defects and causes by modifying the mold.

  • Cuts and washes. Cuts and washes are areas of excess metal.
  • Fusion. Fusion occurs when sand grains fuse with molten metal.
  • Run out.
  • Swells.
  • Drops.
  • Rat tails, veins and buckles.
  • Metal penetration.

What are the process of casting?

Casting processes involve the use of molten material, usually metal. This molten material is then poured into a mould cavity that takes the form of the finished part. The molten material then cools, with heat generally being extracted via the mould, until it solidifies into the desired shape.

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