
What is a stage direction?

What is a stage direction?

Stage directions are instructions in a play for technical aspects of the production like lighting, sound, costume, scenery or props and most importantly, the movement of actors onstage. Stage directions give you vital information for the action and relationships between people, things and places inside a text.

What are the types of stage directions?

Stage Direction Abbreviations. From the rear of the stage to the audience, there are three zones: upstage, center stage, and downstage. These are each divided into three or five sections, depending on the size. If just three sections, there will be a center, left, and right in each.

What is an example of stage directions in Romeo and Juliet?

One interesting stage direction that contributes to conflict and theme can be found in the opening scene. Capulet’s servants, Sampson and Gregory, are described as entering the stage “armed with swords and bucklers,” meaning swords and shields.

What is the dialogue of Romeo and Juliet?

ROMEO: O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. In this example of dialogue, the characters of Romeo and Juliet begin to fall in love.

What do the stage directions suggest Romeo and Juliet mean by sin?

What do the stage directions suggest Romeo and Juliet mean by “sin”?  Since Romeo kisses Juliet after he says “[g]ive me my sin again” (line 109), then “sin” must mean kissing.

How is Romeo presented in act1?

Romeo’s mood in the first scene of Act 1 is extremely depressed and sorrowful due to Rosaline’s rejection. In fact, we can say that he is in a state of emotional agony. Part of his agony is due to his youthful hormones. He is a young man with an intense libido and views Rosaline’s desire to remain chaste as agonizing.

How does Romeo get Juliet to kiss him?

How does Romeo convince Juliet to kiss him? He talks to her in religious metaphors, describes her as a saint and he a pilgrim who needs his sin erased only she can do this. After their second kiss, Juliet is called by her nurse to go to her mother. Romeo asks who the mother is and the nurse responds Lady Capulet.

Where do Romeo and Juliet first kiss?

To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

What does Romeo think of Juliet the first time he sees her?

What does Romeo think of Juliet first time he sees her? She’s the most beautiful girl in the world. He recognizes (when you know remember someone that you know) Romeo by his voice. When Tybalt is ready to seize (take over) Romeo and throw him out of the party, what does Capulet say to Tybalt?

What does Romeo compare kissing to?

What does Romeo compare kissing to? Romeo is comparing Juliet to a sacred being. The metaphor of a shrine for the saint, Juliet, is extended when Romeo names his lips “two blushing pilgrims”.

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