What is a supply of something to be used as needed?

What is a supply of something to be used as needed?

If you supply someone with something that they want or need, you give them a quantity of it. A supply of something is an amount of it which someone has or which is available for them to use. The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen.

What does resorted mean?

: to do or use (something) especially because no other choices are possible He had to resort to asking his parents for money.

What do you call to any available means of support or supply?

See synonyms for: resource / resources on Thesaurus.com. noun. a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. resources, the collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth.

What are some examples of support?

Support is defined as to provide comfort, encouragement or financial assistance to someone. An example of support is listening to a friend in need. An example of support is lending money to a sibling. Support means to carry, hold up or bear the weight of someone or something.

What is a stronger word for support?

Some common synonyms of support are advocate, back, champion, and uphold.

What do you call supporting documents?

31 other terms for supporting document. documentary evidence. accompanying document. additional document. certificate attesting.

What do you call someone that supports you?

A patron supports someone or something.

How do you say I support you in different ways?

These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying:

  1. I’ll support you either way.
  2. I’m behind you 100%.
  3. It’s totally up to you..
  4. It’s your call.

How do you show someone support?

What emotional support can I offer?

  1. Listen. Simply giving someone space to talk, and listening to how they’re feeling, can be really helpful in itself.
  2. Offer reassurance. Seeking help can feel lonely, and sometimes scary.
  3. Stay calm.
  4. Be patient.
  5. Try not to make assumptions.
  6. Keep social contact.

How do you show support through words?

Here are some words that are worth more than gold, that I, personally, have longed to hear on more than one occasion:

  1. I admire you.
  2. I have faith in you.
  3. I’m proud of the life that you live.
  4. I love you so much.
  5. You are my favorite person on earth.
  6. You have always been there for me.

What words can I write for encouragement?


  • “You’re never far from my thoughts.”
  • “Know how often I think of you?
  • “You’re on my mind and in my heart.”
  • “Keeping you close in my thoughts.”
  • “Lifting you up in prayer and hoping you have a better day today.”
  • “I can’t wait to catch up with you soon.”

How do you wish someone to be strong?

Better Ways to Say ‘Stay Strong’ After a Heartbreak

  1. You deserve much better than this.
  2. I know this hurts right now, but it’s not forever.
  3. Whatever you decide, I’m here to support you.
  4. Heartache hurts, and I’m sorry you’re going through this.
  5. You’ve been handling this so well.
  6. I’m so proud of your strength.

How do you encourage?

12 Of The Best Ways To Encourage Someone

  1. 1 – Smile!
  2. 2- Listen.
  3. 3- Acknowledge.
  4. 4 – Catch them doing something right and let them know you noticed.
  5. 5 – Share positive thoughts as soon as they occurs to you.
  6. 6 – Praise effort and progress, no matter how small.
  7. 7 – Tell them how they helped.
  8. 8 – Boost morale.

What can I say to encourage a friend?

What to Say to Someone

  • You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.
  • You are the most perfect you there is.
  • You are enough.
  • You are one of the strongest people I know.
  • You look great today.
  • You have the best smile.
  • Your outlook on life is amazing.
  • You just light up the room.

How do you encourage a friend?

5 ways to encourage friends and family

  1. Reach out. The first rule is that you’ve got to reach out to the person.
  2. Listen without judgment.
  3. Learn their love language.
  4. Don’t try to take over.
  5. Be specific and change how you offer help.

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