What is a thesis example?

What is a thesis example?

Example: To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you must procure the ingredients, find a knife, and spread the condiments. This thesis showed the reader the topic (a type of sandwich) and the direction the essay will take (describing how the sandwich is made).

How can you start a good introduction?


  1. Attract the Reader’s Attention. Begin your introduction with a “hook” that grabs your reader’s attention and introduces the general topic.
  2. State Your Focused Topic. After your “hook”, write a sentence or two about the specific focus of your paper.
  3. State your Thesis. Finally, include your thesis statement.

How do you write an introduction for a Chapter 1 thesis?

How to write an introduction chapter for a thesis

  1. Capture the reader’s interest.
  2. Give an overview of your research topic.
  3. Detail how your research is going to make a contribution.
  4. Explain what your interest is in the topic.
  5. List your research objectives.
  6. Give a forthcoming chapter overview.
  7. Learn from others.
  8. Speak with your supervisor.

What is thesis introduction?

The introduction is the first chapter of your thesis or dissertation and appears right after the table of contents. It’s essential to draw the reader in with a strong beginning. Set the stage for your research with a clear focus, purpose and direction.

How long is a thesis introduction?

The introduction to the whole thesis can make up roughly 10 per cent of the total word count. So if you are doing a PhD of 80,000 – 100,000 words, you may have a 8,000 – 10,000 word introduction. And if you are writing a Masters thesis of 15,000 – 20,000 words, your introduction could be 1,500 – 2,000 words long.

What are the steps to write a thesis statement?

The four steps below will show you how to write thesis statements quickly and effectively.

  1. Restate the idea in the prompt or ask yourself the question the prompt asks.
  2. Adopt a position/state your opinion.
  3. List three reasons you will use to argue your point.
  4. Combine information from 1-3 into one sentence.

What three things are required in a thesis statement?

Parts of a Thesis Statement The thesis statement has 3 main parts: the limited subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint of reasons.

What are the elements of a thesis?

An essay thesis consists of four elements:

  • The main idea of your paper in a simple sentence.
  • A reason why you support this idea.
  • A counterargument to your claim, if there is one.
  • A valid piece of information that supports your position.

What comes after a thesis?

This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper. This hook also leads into the last, or concluding, paragraph.

What are the do’s and don’ts in writing an effective thesis statement?

Do be specific as much as possible about the main focus of your argument. Do explain the broader topic from your essay in the thesis statement. Do split your long sentences into two sentences. Don’t write your thesis statement as a “fact” but as an opinion.

Where do I put my thesis statement?

The thesis statement is located in the introductory paragraph, almost always at the end of that paragraph. It usually consists of a single sentence. the writer’s opinion or claim about that topic; i.e., it provides a specific focus for the reader.

How do you identify a thesis?

A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience. Your thesis statement belongs at the end of your first paragraph, also known as your introduction.

What words should you avoid in a thesis statement?

Things to Avoid in a Thesis Statement

  • Too Broad Statement.
  • Statement that does not represent the contents of the paper adequately.
  • Statement that describes a fact rather than the arguable claim.
  • Statement that offers personal opinion using terms such as “In my opinion” or “I believe”
  • Statement with the wrong format.
  • Statement with oversimplified argument.

What makes a good thesis or claim?

A good thesis sentence will make a claim. Rather, you need to develop an interesting perspective that you can support and defend. This perspective must be more than an observation. Put another way, a good thesis sentence will inspire (rather than quiet) other points of view.

What should you not do in a thesis statement?

Writing Thesis Statements

  1. DON’T be vague or mysterious.
  2. DO be as specific as possible about what your paper will argue.
  3. DON’T list the topic of each body paragraph (unless the assignment instructs you to do so).
  4. DON’T squish too many ideas into a single sentence.
  5. DO split up your sentence if it gets too long.

Should a thesis statement be an opinion?

Thesis statements are not merely opinion statements. But in this format, it doesn’t offer the reader much information; it sounds like the author is simply stating a viewpoint that may or may not be substantiated by evidence.

Can you say I believe in a thesis statement?

A thesis statement should be a statement. After your thesis statement, you set to supporting and proving your position. In the example above, the words, “I think” or “I believe” is implied in the statement. One doesn’t have to believe that the thesis statement is true.

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