
What is a white page document?

What is a white page document?

A white paper, also written as “whitepaper”, is an informational document usually issued by a company or not-for-profit organization to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer.

Why is it called foolscap paper?

Foolscap was named after the fool’s cap and bells watermark commonly used from the fifteenth century onwards on paper of these dimensions. Unsubstantiated anecdotes suggest that this watermark was introduced to England in 1580 by John Spilman, a German who established a papermill at Dartford, Kent.

What does white paper mean in politics?

White papers are policy documents produced by the Government that set out their proposals for future legislation. White Papers are often published as Command Papers and may include a draft version of a Bill that is being planned.

What is a Green Paper EU?

Green Papers are documents published by the European Commission to stimulate discussion on given topics at European level. They invite the relevant parties (bodies or individuals) to participate in a consultation process and debate on the basis of the proposals they put forward.

What is a White Paper European Commission?

European Commission White Papers are documents containing proposals for European Union (EU) action in a specific area. The purpose of a White Paper is to launch a debate with the public, stakeholders, the European Parliament and the Council in order to arrive at a political consensus.

What is an EU Commission communication?

The Directorate-General for Communication is the Commission department responsible for explaining EU policies to outside audiences. It keeps the Commission abreast of political developments and of trends in public opinion and the media.

WHO IS WHO EU institutions?

EU institutions and bodies in brief

  • European Parliament.
  • European Council.
  • Council of the European Union.
  • European Commission.
  • Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
  • European Central Bank (ECB)
  • European Court of Auditors (ECA)
  • European External Action Service (EEAS)

What is a green paper Ireland?

Green Papers, White Papers and discussion documents A Green Paper is a discussion document, usually written by civil servants, in which an issue is outlined, various options are suggested and the advantages and disadvantages of those options may be set out.

What is the EU 5?

European Union Five (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.

When was the future of Europe debate launched?

May 2018

What is the Laeken Declaration?

Laeken Declaration In December 2001, when the European Council met in Laeken, a fresh declaration was adopted committing the EU to greater democracy, transparency and efficiency, and setting out the process by which a constitution could be arrived at.

What are the big 5 European countries?

The EU’s big 5 economies – France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK – dominate the EU by dint of their sheer size, accounting for 71% of GDP in 2013.

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