What is a white paper assignment?

What is a white paper assignment?

White Paper Assignment. Typically, white papers are used to propose a solution to a problem. They usually start with a big-picture view of an issue’s context and then lead readers to a specific proposal for a solution.

How do you outline a white paper?

Outline Your White Paper The introduction, where you will describe the topic of the white paper. The challenge, which is your audience’s pain points. An overview, which explains what you will highlight in the white paper and define the terms you’re going to use.

What are ebooks and white papers?

Differences Between an eBook and a Whitepaper Straut explained that an eBook often serves as an extended guide on a topic for a general audience. “A whitepaper is more [of an] academic report on a particular topic that presents new research or information for a more niche audience of experts,” he said.

What is the difference between a white paper and a case study?

A white paper highlights the benefits and rationale for the implementation of a proposed solution whereas, a case study offers real-life examples of how that particular solution had solved the issue.

What content is important to include in a white paper?

What content is important to include in a white paper? Industry specific acronyms and marketing phrases. An article title needs to create some incentive to read the article.

How do you cite a source in a white paper?

If a white paper has been retrieved from a website, you should format the MLA citation like this: Author last name, Author first name. “Title of page or document.” Name of website. Date of online publication.

What is the difference between a white paper and an article?

An article is supposed to provide an overview of a topic and is usually a page or two. A whitepaper is longer and covers a topic in more detail. It gives an in-depth view, and can often include more research.

What is white paper marketing?

A white paper, also written as “whitepaper”, is an informational document usually issued by a company or not-for-profit organization to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer.

How do you put a white paper together?

  1. Step 1: Make the White Paper Count.
  2. Step 2: Execute on the Strategy.
  3. Step 3: Put Together an Easy-to-Read Title Page.
  4. Step 4: Identify H1, H2, and Subsections.
  5. Step 5: Break Out Sections That Need to Stand Alone.
  6. Step 6: Use a Simple Color Palette to Bring Attention to Key Thoughts.

How should I design paper pages?

10 Tips on Designing a White Paper

  1. Design to enhance the content. A white paper isn’t a brochure, so it shouldn’t be as slick and colorful as one.
  2. Consider your readers’ eyesight.
  3. Realize that text isn’t a graphic.
  4. Make every page count.
  5. Control page breaks.
  6. Avoid a wall of gray.
  7. Leave lots of white space.
  8. Avoid smug shots.

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