What is a word for old-fashioned?

What is a word for old-fashioned?

primitive, ancient, old-fashioned, obsolete, antiquated, outmoded, archaic, antique, gothic, feudal, stale, threadbare, out-of-date, age-old, venerable, crumbling, former, traditional, old-time, original.

What does it mean to dress conservatively?

Dressing “conservatively” means that you wear clothes that: have an older, more formal style (like a suit and tie for men) don’t display parts of your body like your chest, legs, stomach, or butt. You can also dress “formally”, but that’s different. People only dress formally on special occasions like ceremonies.

What colors are considered conservative?

Blue is usually associated with centre-right or conservative parties, originating from its use by the Tories (predecessor of the Conservative Party) in the United Kingdom.

How do you dress modestly and fashionably?

Here you will find eight secrets regarding what to choose and how to be stylish while keeping a modest look at the same time.

  1. Turtleneck tops.
  2. Midi and maxi skirts.
  3. Maxi dresses.
  4. Palazzo pants.
  5. Bon ton collars.
  6. Long cardigans.
  7. Classical striped print.
  8. Polka dots.

What does it mean when someone calls you modest?

A person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this. Modest generally means “big enough but not huge” — like a modest house or a modest income. Around the turn of the 17th century, modest referred to proper or decent dress and behavior especially in women.

What’s another word for modest?

Modest Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for modest?

humble unpretentious
demure shy
meek bashful
retiring diffident
reserved lowly

What is the opposite of permissive?

permissive(adj) not preventive. Antonyms: blockading, hindering, obviating(a), deterrent, preventative, thwarting, precautionary, prohibitory, preemptive, preclusive, frustrative, obstructive, prohibitive, pre-emptive, unpermissive, impeding, precautional, frustrating, clogging, preventive.

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