What is academic evidence?

What is academic evidence?

Acceptable academic evidence depends a great deal on to whom it is going to be presented, the field in which they work, and the focus and goals of the position being argued. To be convincing it must be founded on fact, well reasoned, logical, and stand up against opposing arguments.

What is evidence in writing?

Evidence is a type of literary device that appears in different categories of essays and theses, in the form of paraphrase and quotations. It is presented to persuade readers, and used with powerful arguments in the texts or essays.

What is the difference between admissible and inadmissible evidence?

Admissible evidence may be heard and considered by the magistrate, judge or jury deciding the case. If evidence is judged (by the judge or magistrate) to be outside the rules, it is held to be ‘inadmissible’, and so cannot be used to prove any issue.

What is the meaning of inadmissible?

not able to be allowed

What do you mean by inadmissible expenses?

Inadmissible Expenses [Section 58] (i) Personal expenses. (ii) Wealth – tax. (iii) Expenses of the nature described in Section 40 A. (iv) Interest and salary payable outside India, if tax has not been paid or deducted at.

What does insufferable mean in English?

: not to be endured : intolerable an insufferable bore. Other Words from insufferable Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about insufferable.

Is insufferable a word?

adjective. not to be endured; intolerable; unbearable: their insufferable insolence.

What does it mean to lack foresight?

Noun. Lack of good sense or judgement. foolishness. inanity. silliness.

Why is Foresight important?

Foresight, in contrast to fatalism, gives us increased power to shape our futures, even in the most turbulent of times. Foresight is critical to success in all areas of our lives, including major life decisions. Education is another area where foresight is important.

How do you develop foresight?

5 Key Ways to Build Foresight

  1. Gain knowledge. The more knowledge you have about a subject, the easier it’ll be to find common patterns and themes within that subject.
  2. Build experience.
  3. Think hypothetically.
  4. Make small predictions.
  5. Play devil’s advocate.

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