What is acupuncture and how does it help?

What is acupuncture and how does it help?

Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

What is acupuncture used to treat?

Acupuncture is used mainly to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including: Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting. Dental pain. Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines.

How does acupuncture relieve pain?

Traditional Chinese acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into the skin at specific “acupoints.” This may relieve pain by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural pain-killing chemicals, and by affecting the part of the brain that governs serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood.

Why does acupuncture hurt?

Once a needle reaches its intended depth, you’re likely to feel a mild, dull ache or a slight tingling sensation. This may be a sign that the treatment is working and the acupuncture point is being activated. You may also feel a heavy or electric sensation. Feelings of warmth may arise at the acupuncture points.

Should you drink water after acupuncture?

What patients need to do after getting acupuncture is to go along with how they feel. For example, if you feel tired after acupuncture, go and take a short rest. If you feel thirsty after acupuncture, drink some water. If you feel energetic, take a short walk.

How can you tell if acupuncture is working?

How do I know if my acupuncture treatment is working?

  • Your pain will change. The key word here is change: change in location, severity, or intensity.
  • Your sleep could improve (or change)
  • Your mood will improve.
  • You’ll be more aware of your body.
  • You’ll have more energy.

What happens if you move during acupuncture?

Moving your body while acupuncture needles are in place is not going to kill you. The pain is nothing excruciating, usually just a passing twinge that immediately subsides. And with some points, you could wave your arms and kick your legs in the air without feeling a thing.

How long does acupuncture last?

For now, if you have a condition that acupuncture does have scientific backing for, here’s what to expect from a session: an acupuncture session to last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, though most of this time may be spent discussing your symptoms and concerns with your practitioner sans needles.

What should you not do before acupuncture?

Before Treatment It is best not to receive acupuncture on an empty stomach. However, do not eat a heavy meal before or after the session. Also, refrain from using caffeine or alcohol for several hours before and after the treatment. Please do not brush your tongue.

Do you take your clothes off for acupuncture?

You don’t need to remove all of your clothes for a treatment. Acupuncturists may need to access areas under your clothes, but they will properly drape you so that only small portions of skin are exposed.

What’s better acupuncture or massage?

If you are experiencing pain in specific parts of your body such as back pain, neck tension, or specific joints, acupuncture may be the better option as it offers a more focused approach to pain points. However, like previously mentioned, whether you get a massage before or after acupuncture really doesn’t matter.

Does insurance cover acupuncture?

Some health insurance plans cover acupuncture. And they often require a licensed doctor to perform it. For instance, California’s Medicaid program and insurers like Blue Shield of California cover treatments from a licensed acupuncturist who isn’t a doctor.

What happens to your body after acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a cleansing and balancing of the whole body. As you heal, these symptoms will pass, and you will begin to feel better. After your session, you may feel tired for up to 3 days. During this time, your body is cleansing and eliminating the toxins and poisonous waste that builds up in the blood stream.

Do you get immediate relief from acupuncture?

You may not experience immediate pain relief from your first acupuncture treatment (although many patients do).

Do I need to rest after acupuncture?

Some people get a jolt of energy after acupuncture, but better to savor the boost — chances are, you need it. Resting allows the physical and emotional restoration that acupuncture sets in motion to continue.

Does acupuncture detox your body?

Acupuncture works as a natural diuretic and helps the body to eliminate toxins in urine cleansing organs such as the kidneys, colon, skin and liver. The process is believed to balance of Qi (pronounced as chi) which is an important life energy force that creates nourishment and alignment of body functions.

Is it OK to take a bath after acupuncture?

Can I shower after acupuncture? You should wait 6-8 hours after treatment before taking a bath or shower, because it takes time for the skin to seal completely after the needles are removed.

Why do I cry after acupuncture?

Emotional release Sometimes people cry in acupuncture. Not because they’re in pain, but because their emotions, which can get stifled while powering through life, become free-flowing.

How far do acupuncture needles go in?

Most acupuncture points are located close to the skin’s surface. The needles are may be inserted from 1/16 to a few inches deep. The depth of the needle depends on the individual, their condition, the patient’s size, age, and the location of the points selected.

Can you get nerve damage from acupuncture?

Case Reports of Peripheral Nerve Injury Caused by Acupuncture with the Electric Shock. Reviewing the literature [29–31], adverse events of acupuncture mainly include internal organs, tissue, or nerve injury, especially for pneumothorax and central nervous system injury.

Is Acupuncture good for a pinched nerve?

Acupuncture treatment reduces radicular pain by alleviating pressure on the nerve root. Accurate diagnosis, pin-point acupuncture treatment, and home exercises cure many pinched nerve situations!

Do acupuncture needles go into the muscle?

Typically, the needle enters the body of a muscle, but the depth depends on the acupuncture point. A point on the back of the neck may be 2–3 cm deep, but a point on the forehead may only be a few millimeters deep.

Do acupuncture pens really work?

How effective is it? Electroacupuncture is fairly new treatment, so there isn’t much evidence to support its effectiveness for different uses. Still, a handful of studies suggest that it may provide some relief from chemotherapy side effects, arthritis, and acute (short-term) pain.

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