What is an ace It paragraph?
The Answer – Cite – Explain (ACE) writing strategy is designed to help students organize their writing and support their thinking to form constructed responses for informative/explanatory compositions.
How do you write a Ace paragraph?
The technique is called ACE.
- Answer the question (what do you think?)
- Cite evidence (prove it)
- Explain or Extend the thinking (how does the evidence support what you think?)
What was John Milton called by his fellow students at Cambridge?
Late in 1637 Milton composed a pastoral elegy called “Lycidas,” which commemorates the death of a fellow student at Cambridge, Edward King, who drowned while crossing the Irish Sea.
What ultimately pacifies the pain of the Swain in lycidas?
Ultimately, the swain’s grief and loss of faith are conquered by a “belief in immortality.” Many scholars have pointed out that there is very little logical basis within the poem for this conclusion, but that a reasonable process is not necessary for ‘Lycidas’ to be effective.
Who wrote Paradise Lost?
John Milton
What are the effects of iambic pentameter?
While you may not want to write an entire poem in iambic pentameter, you can still use the style to your advantage. Iambic pentameter carries a hum-drum, repetitive rhythm. Contrasted with shorter, unpredictable lines, you can create themes of boredom versus excitement, stability versus chaos, and so on.
What does feet mean in poetry?
The basic unit of measurement of accentual-syllabic meter. A foot usually contains one stressed syllable and at least one unstressed syllable. The standard types of feet in English poetry are the iamb, trochee, dactyl, anapest, spondee, and pyrrhic (two unstressed syllables). Poetry Magazine.
What type of poem repeats lines?
The pantoum is a form of poetry similar to a villanelle in that there are repeating lines throughout the poem. It is composed of a series of quatrains; the second and fourth lines of each stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next stanza.
What does personification mean in poetry?
Personification is a poetic device where animals, plants or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities – resulting in a poem full of imagery and description.