What is an example of an uncontrolled chain reaction?

What is an example of an uncontrolled chain reaction?

A neutron hits the nucleus of the radioactive element (e.g. Uranium) The Tsar Bomba (a soviet device) was the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated. This is an example of what the result of an uncontrolled Nuclear Chain Reaction can cause.

What is the most common fuel for fission?


What is the end result of a nuclear fusion reaction?

The end result of a nuclear fusion reaction is one new atom with a larger nucleus. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei come close enough to form one or more different atomic nuclei and sub atomic particles.

What is the advantage of using triga UZrH as a nuclear fuel?

The unique design of UZrH fuel allows it to be used for a significantly longer time in the reactor, typically three to four times as long as other types of fuel. Therefore in a given period of time, there will be only one-third to one-fourth as much spent fuel discharged from a TRIGA reactor.

What is triga fuel?

Low-enriched, long-lifetime uranium zirconium hydride (UZrH) fuel is the fundamental feature of the TRIGA® family of reactors that accounts for its widely recognized safety, rugged, dependable performance, economy of operation, and its acceptance worldwide.

Where is the Triga reactor?

OSU Radiation Center

Why is pulse a reactor?

A pulse reactor makes possible the production of high power and an intensive neutron flux in short time intervals. This mode of operation is advantageous for some research purposes, such as experiments involving the measurement of the speed of neutrons during their traversal of a known distance.

What does a nuclear reaction look like?

If you see the nuclear reaction, that happens in water, thru water it is a glowing light. We can see the result of the fission. Cannot see the splitting of Uranium or Plutonium by fast or slow neutrons. For example, in water, light travels only 0.75c, or 75% the speed of light.

How is a nuclear reactor started up?

When the control elements are fully inserted in the core, they absorb too many neutrons to allow the reaction to continue. In order to start up the reactor, the control elements are withdrawn one-by-one very slowly, allowing the reaction to progress, until the desired reactor power is reached.

Can a nuclear reactor explode like a bomb?

While a nuclear reactor can never explode like an atomic bomb, an explosion can still occur. All power plants are a potential site for an explosion, because the fuel used, whether it is coal, uranium, or natural gas, needs to be energy dense. The destruction at Chernobyl was caused by a steam explosion.

How long does it take to turn on a nuclear reactor?

Yes, the very first step is to turn the mode switch key to startup. Then we start pulling control rods to take the reactor critical. This takes 4 to 6 hours. Then we need to heat up the reactor, which takes 10 to 15 hours.

What happens if you look into a nuclear reactor?

The Charging pumps, which are positive displacement pumps, will inject water, but not enough to keep the core covered. Boiling in the core will occur, fuel damage will happen, and not very much cooling will occur at all. The fuel will melt, and corium will be produced.

Is it safe to live near a nuclear power station?

All Answers (7) Yes, is safe to live near Nuclear Power Plant.. The fact is, cancer rates and risks in general are lower around NPP. That has nothing to do with the plant itself, but instead with the higher standard of living of the people who live and work there.

How far do the effects of a nuclear bomb reach?

Although some windows may be broken over 10 miles (16 km) away, the injury associated with flying glass will generally occur at overpressures above 0.5 psi. This damage may correspond to a distance of about 3 miles (4.8 km) from ground zero for a 10 KT nuclear explosion.

How big of an area would a nuclear bomb destroy?

A 1 megaton nuclear bomb creates a firestorm that can cover 100 square miles. A 20 megaton blast’s firestorm can cover nearly 2500 square miles. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were small cities, and by today’s standards the bombs dropped on them were small bombs.

Who has the most powerful nuclear bomb in the world?


What is the biggest bomb America has?


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