
What is an expedient government?

What is an expedient government?

He says government is “at best but an expedient” (part 1, par. 1), which means that government can solve a problem or achieve a goal in certain cases, but it cannot do anything more. Thoreau also says that “most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient” (part 1, par. 1).

What is an expedient action?

An expedient is an action that achieves a particular purpose, but may not be morally right. The curfew regulation is a temporary expedient made necessary by a sudden emergency. Synonyms: means, measure, scheme, method More Synonyms of expedient. 2. adjective.

What does prudent mean in English?

: characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence: such as. a : marked by wisdom or judiciousness prudent advice. b : shrewd in the management of practical affairs prudent investors.

What does prudent mean biblically?

wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.

What does prudent behavior mean?

prudent Add to list Share. Describe an action as prudent if it is the wise thing to do under the existing circumstances. If you’re getting in trouble, it is probably prudent to keep your mouth closed and just listen. If you show good and careful judgment when handling practical matters, you can be described as prudent.

What is rule of prudence?

Prudence (Latin: prudentia, contracted from providentia meaning “seeing ahead, sagacity”) is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. The word derives from the 14th-century Old French word prudence, which, in turn, derives from the Latin prudentia meaning “foresight, sagacity”.

What is the reasonable prudent person standard?

Definition from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary In the law of negligence, for example, the reasonable person standard is the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would observe under a given set of circumstances. An individual who subscribes to such standards can avoid liability for negligence.

What is the reasonableness standard?

The reasonableness standard is a test that asks whether the decisions made were legitimate and designed to remedy a certain issue under the circumstances at the time. Courts using this standard look at both the ultimate decision, and the process by which a party went about making that decision.

What makes someone reasonable?

The “reasonable person” is a hypothetical individual who approaches any situation with the appropriate amount of caution and then sensibly takes action. It is a standard created to provide courts and juries with an objective test that can be used in deciding whether a person’s actions constitute negligence.

What are the characteristics of a reasonable man?

This is the basis of the reasonable personal standard. Characteristics of a reasonable person standard include: A person must exercise the standard of care that would be expected of an ordinary, reasonable and prudent person in the same circumstances to avoid liability; It is an objective standard.

What is the test of reasonableness?

A reasonableness test is an auditing procedure that examines the validity of accounting information. For example, an auditor could compare a reported ending inventory balance to the amount of storage space in a company’s warehouse, to see if the reported amount of inventory could fit in there.

What is a reasonable person test?

In a workplace investigation, taking the reasonable person test into account will assist an investigator in determining whether a respondent’s conduct is reasonable or appropriate in the specific circumstances, and whether the complainant is being reasonable in their response or in feeling affronted or aggrieved.

What is the reasonable victim standard?

In other words, the victim must first have been actually affected in a way that would make his or her work environment hostile or abusive by being sufficiently offended or harmed. …

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